Family dinner

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We were in our way to the grocery store to get som ingredients
"Can we make sushi?" Payton said
"Yessss omg I love sushi!" I said giggling
We were now in the parking lot and as soon as I got out I remembered that this was the store we met in. As soon as I remembered that a huge smile appeared in my face
"What" Payton said
"You know what store this isss" I said giggling
"No I don't? What is it about it?" He said
I got really sad. How could he not remember what store it was?
"Oh. Nothing" I said with a sad tone.
"Come here" he said taking my hand. We hurried through the store to the seasoning aisle. Were we met.
"Here" he said handing me a permanent marker
"Write our names. They'll stay there forever" he said smiling like h*ll.
"Awww Payton! I really thought you had forgot!" I said laughing. I wrote our names:
Y/n+ Payton in a ♥️
"There" I said. Now our names would forever be on that shelf.. aw
"Now let's go get some sushi stuff" Payton said
We bought it all and started driving home to start.
"How should I dress tonight?" Payton said
"Something that express you" I said. I don't want him to dress up as someone else be it feels like he's lying, I don't want him to hide himself like that to my parents:)
"Okay then" he said smiling "but I have to stop at my place to get some clothes" he continued
"Ooh. I haven't met your mom or sister yet:/" I said
"It's okay. They'll love you!" He said
I started getting really nervous. What if they don't like me..
We got there and Payton's mom greeted us in the door.
"Aww you must be y/n! Payton has told me so much about you! Look at you!" She said smiling
"Thankyou! It's really nice to finally meet you!" I said
She immediately pulled me into a hug. It was really nice to finally meet her, and to know that she likes me:)
"I'm just gonna get some clothes. I'm going to met y/ns parents tonight. Cross your fingers" he said laughing
"I will" she said
Payton choose his clothes and som other bcc I wanted him to sleep over hehe.
We got home and started making sushi

Looked kinda like this ^"My parents are going to be home in like 30 minutes" I said nervous"So we can have a shower before they get here?" He said smiling"Yes, but a quick one!" I saidWe put the sushi in the fridge and ran up fast to my room

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Looked kinda like this ^
"My parents are going to be home in like 30 minutes" I said nervous
"So we can have a shower before they get here?" He said smiling
"Yes, but a quick one!" I said
We put the sushi in the fridge and ran up fast to my room.
"Remember quick one" I said
"Yes yes I remember" he said smiling
We undressed fast and got into the shower. Payton was really sweet and helped me wash my hair and I washed his. When we were done we hurried to dry ourselves and get dressed. I managed to dry my hair and curl it too.

 I managed to dry my hair and curl it too

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This was Payton's outfit

And this was mineA few minutes after we were done we got downstairs to set the table bc my parents could be home any time

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And this was mine
A few minutes after we were done we got downstairs to set the table bc my parents could be home any time.
*five minutes later*
The door opened.
"Y/n!" I heard my mom say
We walked to the hall and my mom really looked surprised when she saw that I had a boy over
"Mom, dad. This is Payton" I said nervous
"Hi" Payton said and shakes their hands as my mom and dad introduced themselves. He also shakes my brothers hand, who didn't look really happy about it.
"Matt" he said as he shakes Payton hand
Why does he have to be so embarrassing..

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