Chapter 1: Chloe

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Chloe awoke from her dream to find her alarm going off. Her music slowly started to fill the quiet house. Chloe started to sing along and moved to the beat as she got ready for another day of work. She knew that today was going to be a good day.

Six years have passed since the Bellas won the national acapella championship. And even though they had gone on to be world champions, time had now taken its toll on the Bellas, just like it does to all famous groups. After the European Tour, each of the Bella went their separate ways. That is all except for Chloe, Fat Amy, and Emily Junk, who all still lived together. It wasn't what Chloe was planning on. It just sort of happened.

First, Chloe accepted a job near Barden, where she finished her training as a veterinarian. They liked her so much they even gave her a full-time position. Around the same time, Fat Amy discovered that she was not rich after all. It turned out that her father had done cocaine to the point that his mind was almost completely gone, and everything he told Fat Amy was a lie. Since she had no money and Bumper was no were to be found, she asked Chloe if she could live with her until she got on her feet. But as time passed, it became clear that Fat Amy wasn't planning on moving out. Chloe didn't care, though. She was happy to have her there and didn't like the idea of living alone.

Shortly after, Emily Junk graduated and moved in with them. She had already started her career as a songwriter and producer. It was with the same company that she and Beca had worked for when they were in college. But now, she was the company's lead representative. The position required her to travel a lot. So it didn't make sense for her to get a place of her own. Plus, she liked being with her two sisters when she was in town.

Together the three women had a lot of adventure. It wasn't the same as before. But it was something. And as long as she has her two sisters, Chloe still felt like she had a purpose.

In a lot of ways, the redhead was like their mother. The redhead tried to provide for their every need. However, there were still quiet moments here and there where she longed for the old days, where she missed Beca.

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