Chapter 9: Chloe

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As soon as she saw Beca, Chloe was overwhelmed with a flood of emotions. She couldn't believe it. After all this time, Beca was just standing there on her doorstep like it was just another day of college. There were so many things Chloe wanted to say to her. And even after months of rehearsing, all she could come up with was a simple "hey." But her inability to speak didn't seem to matter as Beca immediately went in and hugged her.

Upon feeling her, Chloe realized that this was really happening, and the redhead got a hold of herself.

Chloe "Beca, oh my God! What are you doing here? I've missed you like crazy. I'm mean, (stuttering) we've missed you like crazy."

Beca "Well, I missed you guys too. So I decided to come and surprise you and see if we could spend some time together. (Beca winks at Emily, who is standing behind Chloe) Plus, someone is turning 30 next week, and I figured she would be going out of her mind without me."

Chloe (touched) "You are probably right about that. Are you hungry? We were just about to eat lunch. "

Beca "Food would be great."

As the four ladies sat down for lunch, it was as if nothing had ever changed. Sure, it was exactly the same as when the Bellas were all together. But these four always shared a special bond. And Chloe was refreshed to see that they all still acted the same way that they did when they were in college. Fat Amy was still a carefree spirit. Emily was still an enthusiastic and energetic songwriter. And Beca was as funny, smart, and beautiful as she was the day Chloe first met her. In fact, Chloe was trying hard not to stare at her. It was just that she had been gone for so long that to have her show up out of the blue was a bit overwhelming. And what's more, it felt as if Beca was starting at her. Chloe could almost sense that Beca had something she needed to tell her. She just wished she knew what it was.

After lunch Fat Amy had to go to her club, and Emily had a date with Benji. So, it was just Chloe and Beca alone in the house.

Chloe "What do you want to do, Beca?"

Beca "I thought we could walk around campus, and you could show me how Barden has changed."

Chloe "I'd love to."

Beca "Hey, can we stop and get an energy drink on the way? I'm exhausted."

Chloe "Sure, I didn't know you drank energy drinks."

Beca "Yeah, just when I need a little pick me up, especially when I change time zones. You know I'm not as young as I used to be." (Beca winks at Chloe)

Chloe "I feel you there."


As the two walked around Barden, Chloe was surprised at how much had changed since they went to school. It all looked so different, as if the campus had been completely renovated.

The two passed a poster calling for girls to try out for the world-famous Barden Bellas. Beca took it down and smiled.

Beca "So the Bellas are still a thing?"

Chloe "Yep, they are not as good as us, obviously. And they aren't nationally recognized anymore. But they are still fun to watch."

Beca "Do you ever work with them?"

Chloe "No, I'm retired. Plus, I don't have much to offer them. But Emily works with them occasionally. They really look up to her since she is a real-life music producer. I bet they would love to meet you."

Beca "Well, if they knew their history, they would look up to you too. In fact, if it wasn't for Chloe Beal, the Bellas wouldn't even exist anymore."

Chloe "Beca, that not true."

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