Chapter 21: Chloe, Beca, and Emily.

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As the time for the riff-off came near, Chloe found herself feeling more comfortable with the whole situation. She still wasn't thrilled about seeing Jesse and Beca in the same room together again. But her silent conversation with Beca relaxed her a little. After all, Beca had made it very clear that they were together and a couple. Now, all Chloe had to do was make it through the riff off without having a breakdown or freaking out on Jesse. Then she and Beca would have all the time in the world to talk.

Before they left home, Emily suggested that they dress to win. The Bellas decided that they would all wear black. Chloe was happy to have an excuse to dress up for Beca. But she wasn't prepared to see Beca come out in a long flowing black dress. It perfectly highlighted all of the smaller woman's features, and Chloe could feel her heart stop just by looking at her. There was so much that Chloe needed to tell the younger women, but the words just didn't come. She just smiled at Beca as she walked up to her and grabbed her by the arm.

Beca "You ready to go, babe?"

Chloe "Totally."


The Bellas walked into Amy's club wearing their finest. The four veteran signers were ready to compete. They had done it so many times before. But tonight was different. Chloe felt like it was her coming-out party with Beca. The brunette was clinging to Chloe's left arm as if to tell everyone there that she was hers. And there were a lot of people to tell. The place was packed. Word must have spread quickly about Bumper's million-dollar challenge, and all of Barden was here to compete. But there was no sign of Bumper or the other two Treblemakers. They must be waiting till the last minute to make their grand entrance, Chloe thought.

Beca "Would you like to dance, Chlo?"

Chloe "Totes."

Beca led the older women to the dance floor, where they started dancing together. After a few songs, a slow song came on. Beca put her hands on Chloe's hips, and Chloe put her hands around the smaller women's back. The two held each other as they slowly swayed to the rhythm of the music.

Beca "So I guess this is our first date?"

Chloe (nodes) "I guess so."

Beca "I mean a lot of things we did together were like dates."

Chloe (smiles) "They were usually better than dates."

Beca (smiles back) "Yeah, so then this isn't that weird for you?"

Chloe "No, why would this be weird for me? Is it weird for you?"

Beca "No, of course not. I just didn't want to move too fast for you."

Chloe "Beca, it took us over seven years to get to this point. I'd say we're talking it slow."

Beca smiles as the two sway back and forth. Then out of the corner of her eyes, she sees Emily all alone at the bar, watching them dance. She seemed so lonely.

Beca "Do you think I've been too hard on Em?"

Chloe "No. you were right to be upset. But I do think you should talk to her. She still looks up to you, Becs."

Beca "I thought you were the mother figure in her life now."

Chloe "I was just filling in for you while you were away. I could never replace someone as Aca-mazing as you."

Beca "Oh, Chlo, I hope you know how Aca-mazing you are."

Beca and Chloe leaned in to kiss each other. However, they were irrupted when a loud roar came over the club. The place started to go crazy as Bumper, Benji, and Jesse entered the bar.

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