Chapter 30: Beca

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For hours, Beca lay with Chloe asleep on her shoulder. Even though she was still in her veterinarian outfit, the redhead had never looked so peaceful to Beca. The singer kissed the older woman on the top of the head, and the ginger let out a small sigh. It made Beca smile, and she thought back to what had happened the night before. She rested her hand on her fiancé's knee and tried her best to keep calm.

But as her mind wandered, Beca started to get upset. She wasn't afraid of chemotherapy or what it might do to her physically. She wasn't even scared of dying. What truly scared Beca was the thought of losing Chloe again. For years she had been putting up boundaries between herself and the bubbly redhead. At first, she thought it was to protect Chloe. But later, she realized it was because she was afraid to lose her. However, the older women never let Beca shut her out completely, no mare how hard she tried. Even when Beca ghosted her, Chloe would text her once a month and say, "I'm here when you are ready to talk again."

After all that they had been through, Beca was wondering how much more her girlfriend could take. What if Beca pushed her way again. It's not like that music producer was great with people. On a good day, Beca was snappy and could be difficult. And now that she was sick, it was only going to get worse. What if Chloe couldn't handle her? Beca didn't think she could live through losing Chloe twice.

Beca (Kisses Chloe's head and whispers) "Chloe, no matter what happens, I will always love you. And I want you to know....."

Before she could finish, Fat Amy walked into the room.

Fat Amy "Am I interrupting something?"

Beca (wipes the tears from her eyes) "No, it's nothing."

Fat Amy " Yeah, I doubt that Chloe would say it was nothing."

Fat Amy plopped down in a chair next to Beca's hospital bed.

Beca "Hey, thank you for taking care of her while I had my head up my ass."

Fat Amy "Let's be real, Mitchell. She took care of Em and me."

Beca "Amy, I'm so sorry for everything......."

As she spoke, Beca began to break down. It was strange Fat Amy had lived with Beca for almost six years, and she had only seen the brunette cry once. The Australian grabbed Beca's free hand.

Fat Amy "Hey, you're here now, and that's all that matters. And you're going to kick this thing's ass and have a long life with Chloe! Got it?"

Beca nodded. There was so much she wanted to ask Amy, but before she had the chance, there was a knock at the door. It was so loud that it woke Chloe. The redhead immediately shot up and rubbed her hands through her hair.

Doctor Mobius "Hi, Beca. I'm sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to come and talk to you for a minute about your test results."

Beca took a deep breath and grabbed Chloe's hand.

Beca "Okay."

Doctor Mobius went on to talk to the three of them about Beca's condition and what it was physically doing to her. She then explained that the type of leukemia Beca had was extremely rare but treatable. The singer would have to have surgery and chemotherapy. It was all stuff that Beca had already been told. But she wasn't prepared for what the doctor was about to say.

Doctor Mobius "Since this type of cancer is so rare, I'm recommending that we transfer you to the Huntsman Cancer Center in Salt City, Utah."

Beca "What? Why can't I get treated here."

Doctor Mobius "I know it's probably not what you were expecting, but it is just too risky to treat you here. We don't have the resources. Plus, the Huntsman is one of the best treatment centers in the country, and they have a very high treatment rate for people who have your type of cancer. "

Beca looked and Chloe, who was just as shocked as she was.

Beca "But this is my home. I... I can't leave my family."

Doctor Mobius "We'll the decision is ultimately up to you. But I can't stress enough how much better your chance are if you get treatment there."

Chloe "Could I go with her?"

Doctor Mobius "Are you family?"

Chloe "Technically, no. We just got engaged."

Doctor Mobius "Well, you would be able to visit her, but in order to stay with her at the center, you'd have to be legally married."

The doctor's words stung Chloe, and she looked down at the ring on her thumb.

Doctor Mobius "Hey, I know it is a big decision. Go home tonight and talk it over and let me know in the morning."

Chloe thanked Doctor Mobius as she left. Beca just sat in silence, trying to process everything that had just happened. Fat Amy also left so that Beca and Chloe could talk. Once they were alone, the redhead laid her head back on her fiance's shoulder.

Chloe (cuddling Beca) "Well, I guess we are moving to Utah."

Beca "What? No, I'm staying here with you."

Chloe(sat up so she could look at Beca) "Beca, we have to go."

Beca (trying not to cry) "I can't lose you again, Chlo."

Chloe "Your not going to, that's why I'm coming with you. Plus, I'm not going to lose you to some stupid disease after everything we have been through."

Beca "But she said we couldn't even stay together if I go."

Chloe "Well then, let's just go to the courthouse and get married before we leave. Problem solved. We can have a real wedding for our friends and family later."

Beca "But what about your job?"

Chloe "If you can quit your job to be with me, then I can quit my job to be with you."

Beca "I can't let you through your entire life away for me."

Chloe "Beca, you are the most important person in my life. I would literally do anything to be with you. And I would do anything to get you better. I'm going to get you through this. Even if that means I have to become a stripper to pay for the hospital bills."

Beca "Calm down, Chlo. I have insurance, and even if I didn't, I wouldn't let you strip for anyone but me."

Chloe cuddled up next to Beca.

Chloe, "I know. I just need you to know I would do anything for you."

Beca felt her heart melt as Chloe spoke. She didn't want to go to Utah, but she knew that fighting with the older women was pointless. She had her mindset on it, and Beca wouldn't be able to say no to her even if she wanted to. So she just cuddled the redhead back and said, "Okay, you win. Let's get married tomorrow."

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