Chapter 6: Beca

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After a long heart-to-heart, Beca agreed to go back with Emily for Chloe's Birthday party. It would give her a chance to see Chloe again before she started her treatment. Maybe it would even give them a chance to start over again.

Beca wasn't sure why she told Emily about her cancer. She wasn't planning on it. But once the alcohol kicked in and Emily started to talk about the past and Chloe, she just couldn't help it. It had been two months since she had been diagnosed with it. She hadn't told anyone about it yet, not her father, not her boss, not the Bellas, not even Chloe. Emily was the first one to know.

The two stayed up all night talking and crying with one another. Because of the pain, Beca couldn't sleep anyway. So it didn't matter what they did. It seemed like the ending was inevitable now. All that mattered to her was how she reached the end.

Jesse had once told her that the ending was the best part. But what did he know?

The ending with Chloe wasn't the best part. Everything should have been perfect. She had won the competition, gotten her dream job, and got one last chance to sing with her sisters. But when she saw Chloe kiss Chicago, something in her snapped. It was as if her whole world had ended. Beca was so angry that she went into the bathroom and threw her phone against the wall as hard as she could. It instantly shattered into a million little pieces. And then, before she knew it, the singer was crying uncontrollably all alone on the bathroom floor.

After a long hard cry, Beca pulled herself together enough to go to the after-party. But she still wasn't herself. The whole time she kept her eyes fixed on Chicago, just waiting for him to slip up. And eventually, he did. The creep had the nerve to try to hit on Aubrey. He even asked her if she would be willing to sneak off with him. When Beca heard that, she lost it.

Flashback: Beca talking to Chicago

Beca (slapped Chicago and then yelled) "Were you really just hitting on her after making out with my best friend? How dare you! She is crazy about you, and you don't even care. She deserves better than you!"

Chicago "You're right. She does."

Chicago then went and told Chloe that he didn't feel the same way about her as she felt about him. This revelation devastated Chloe. Beca had never seen the redhead cry so hard as she did that night. It broke her heart to see her best friend that way. And worse of all, she was the cause of it all. Beca hadn't acted out of the goodness of her heart. She was afraid that Chicago would take her place. It was why she was looking for him to slip up. She wanted to be able to tell Chloe that he wasn't right for her and how she really felt. But when she saw how much her actions hurt Chloe, she just couldn't say it. In that moment, Beca felt that Chloe deserved better than her too. She deserved someone who would love her enough to put her wants and needs first.

But now that Emily was here, there was a chance that things could be different. Beca at least had to try to make things right between them. After all, it was Chloe who found her and convinced her to join the Bellas. Even if her methods were a little unconventional, she never lost faith in Beca. Everything good in her life could be traced back to that single moment of meeting Chloe.

Beca "Emily, you can't tell anyone what I've told you."

Emily "But what about Chloe? You have to tell her."

Beca "I will, eventually, but I have to make a few things right between us first."

Emily's phone starts to ring.

Emily "Sorry, This is probably Chlo wanting to know how my trip is going. You know how she is. If she hasn't heard from me in over 24 hours, she starts to worry."

Beca smiled, remembering how Chloe used to be the exact same way with her.

Emily looked at her phone, and the smile faded away from her face.

Emily "No, it is Benji. Why would he be calling me?"

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