Chapter 11: Emily

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The minute that Emily saw Jesse sitting there in the diner, she knew something was up. There was no way that he just happened to be at the exact same place she was supposed to meet Benji at the exact same time. She needed to figure out what was going on. But more importantly, she needed to keep him away from Beca and Chloe.

Personally, Emily didn't really know Jesse that well. They were only at school together for one semester. He then disappeared after he broke up with Beca. But that didn't matter. Emily saw the damage that he had caused every day. Jesse had kept Beca and Chloe just far enough apart for them not to be totally honest with one another. And because they weren't open with one another, the Chicago incident happened, and they fell apart. There was no way that Emily would let that happen again, especially since Beca was sick and might not have that much time left.

Emily "So what brings you to Barden, Jesse?"

Jesse "Bumper and Benji."

Emily (smirks) "Oh, is there some sort of Treblemaker reunion going on?"

Jesse "Not exactly. (Jesse pauses) But you know how it is. When you join the group, you become a part of a larger family. And you take care of one another. Even if it is inconvenient."

Emily "Yeah, I know what you mean."

Jesse "Why are you here, Emily? From what I hear from Benji, you could live anywhere you wanted."

Emily "My work's headquarters are in Barden. Plus, Chloe and Amy are my family. They need me."

Jesse "So Bumper was right. The Bellas are still together."

Emily "Well, the three of us are."

Jesse "Do you ever hear from Beca?"

Emily "Occasionally. Tell me, Jesse is this all just a part of your master plan to get her back?"

Jesse "Not really, but I do miss her every now and then."

Emily "Then why are you here, Jesse?"

Jesse "Because Benji wants to make amends with you, and Bumper wants to get Amy back. I am just the wingman."

Emily "Oh yeah, then where are they?"

Jesse "They went for a drink across the street. They should be back any minute."

While he was talking, Emily quickly texted Fat Amy, "CODE B: Bumper and Benji are in your club!!"

Fat Amy texted back "Copy. I will sneak out the back."

Emily texted "Jesse is also here! Warn Chloe!"

Fat Amy texted "Will do."

Emily (to Jesse at the same time) "If I know Benji, he is probably already wasted. He never could hold his liquor when we dated."

Jesse "That sounds like Benji and Bumper is only concentrated on finding Amy."

Emily "Well, I better be going. I should've known Benji would do something like this."

Jesse "Wait, would you like to stay and eat with me? This might sound weird, but I live alone, and I don't get the chance to eat with friends very often. (Jesse puts his hands up in the air). I promise no funny business, and if Benji comes through that door, I'll leave, and you never have to see me again."

Emily could see that Jesse was being sincere. The singer also figured it would be a good way to keep Jesse away from Beca and Chloe.

Emily "Okay, but only if you promise not to leave me alone with Benji."

For hours Emily and Jesse sat in the diner and talked. They talked about everything thing from their favorite movies to their life goals. Emily couldn't be sure, but she got the feeling that Jesse was the one texting her and not Benji. She also couldn't help but notice how cute he was.

Eventually, a waitress came and told them that it was closing time.

Jesse "Well, we had better go. I can't imagine what could have happened to Benji and Bumper."

Emily "It doesn't matter. I should start walking home before it gets too late."

Jesse "Can I walk you home? After all, I have no idea where my ride is at."

Emily said okay, and the two began to make their trek through Barden. As they walked, Emily found herself taking the long way home. She felt guilty for milking her time with Jesse. The younger woman couldn't help it. She was drawn to Jesse and didn't want the night to end. But there was one mystery she still needed to figure out.

Emily "Can I ask you a personal question?"

Jesse "Sure. What's up?"

Emily "Why did you break up with Beca?"

Jesse "Well, this might sound weird, but it was what we both needed."

Emily "What do you mean?"

Jesse "The truth is we had been drifting apart for a long time. She was so busy with her internship and with the Bellas that we were almost never together. Then I was offered an internship in another town. I wasn't going to take it, but then I realized that we were on different paths. We tried to make it work for a while, but it was clear that we needed to break up. I was done with college and ready to start my life outside of Barden, and Beca wasn't. She needed the Bellas, and they needed her. It would have been selfish of me to ask her to leave. Especially since she didn't love me."

Emily "What do you mean? Of course, she loved you."

Jesse "No, she didn't, Emily. She liked me, but she never loved me. Not in the way that I loved her. She just couldn't find it in herself to end the relationship. So I did."

Emily (touches Jesse's arm)"That must have been hard."

Jesse "That is how love works. You know that."

Emily "Do you still love her?"

Jesse "I don't know, honestly. I would like to see her again someday....just to know she is happy."

Emily "That's why I agreed to meet up with Benji again. I'm not still in love with him. But I do want him to be happy."

Jesse "Well, there will be other chances for you to check in on Benji. Although after tonight, I'd say you deserve better than Benji."

Emily smiled. Could he have feelings for me? She wondered.

The two continued to talk as they arrived at her house. Emily knew that it was now or never. She had to do something, or she'd lose Jesse forever. So she decided to lie.

Emily "You know Jesse, Beca will be in town for Chloe's birthday. I could set up a meeting if you want closure."

Jesse "I appreciate it, Emily, but after tomorrow I don't think I will be coming back to Barden for a long time."

Emily "Why?"

Jesse "This town just has too much drama. It's time for me to move on with my life to move on."

Emily "Well, what about lunch tomorrow before you leave?"

Jesse "Will she be here tomorrow?"

Emily "Yeah."


Emily walked into a darkened house. Chloe was asleep on the couch.

Ahh, how cute, Emily thought. She let Beca have her bed.  She must not know yet that Beca has cancer, or she would be in there with her.

Emily (tucked Chloe in on the couch and whispered) "Oh Chloe, what have I done to us?"

As she spoke, Emily could sense that she was being watched. She looked up to see Fat Amy standing there watching her.

Fat Amy "I know that you know more than you are letting on. I want to know everything!"

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