Chapter 32: Emily

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After the wedding, everyone made their way over to Barden's music building, where there was going to be a small luncheon for the newlyweds. Emily had pulled some strings so that they could have luncheon there. It only seemed fitting to Emily since that was where the couple had spent most of their time together in college. It was also the place where they started to fall in love, and Emily thought it would be so romantic to have a part of the wedding there. Chloe, of course, loved the idea. And since she loved it, Beca loved it too.

Once everyone arrived, they were escorted to their assigned seats. Emily then announced that she had planned a small program for Beca and Chloe, who were sitting together at a small table in front of the ballroom. The program began with Fat Amy giving a short speech, which quickly devolved into a full-on roast of Beca and Chloe. The Australian told every embarrassing story she knew about the couple. Chloe took it pretty well, but there were a few times that Beca got annoyed, especially when Fat Amy told everyone about how Chloe felt Beca up when they were in Europe. The smaller woman started fuming, and she looked like she was going to explode. Thankfully, Chloe was there to calm her down. The redhead put her arm around her wife and whispered into her ear whenever Beca looked upset. It was all Beca needed to relax.

Truth be told, Chloe was more interested in Beca than what was going on. The redhead tried to pay attention to Fat Amy, but she couldn't take her eyes off Beca. She was so in love she couldn't stand it. Her heart melted every time the younger woman looked over and smiled at her. Chloe also couldn't keep her hands off her wife. Secretly, Beca loved it, and she leaned in every time the older woman made some sort form of physical contact with her.

Once Fat Amy concluded her remarks, Stacie then said a few words about how much Beca and Chloe meant to her. It was then Aubrey's turn to speak. The blonde was sobbing before she even started. Beca rolled her eyes. She was going to say something sarcastic to Chloe, but once she saw her wife was tearing up too, she decided not to.

Aubrey (who was in the middle of her speech) "Beca, I know that you and I haven't always seen eye to eye. In fact, I don't know what it was you did to penetrate Chloe's heart in the first place."

Fat Amy, who was sitting next to Emily, leaned over and whispered in the younger woman's ear, "What is with her and penetration?"

The music producer tried not to laugh as Aubrey continued her speech.

Aubrey (continuing) "But I know that you make Chloe happy. And I know she thinks you're amazing just the way you are. Just make sure that every day you treat her like she is the princess she is, which I know you will. I used to worry that because Chloe was so nice, she would end up with some dirt-bag who didn't appreciate her. Thankfully, she found Beca, who I know would give her the whole world if she could. So, I can sleep easy at night, knowing that my best friend is with the love of her life."

After finishing her speech, Aubrey went over and hugged the newlyweds. It was then Emily's turn to speak. She was so nervous that she was literary shaking. The music producer had no problem singing in front of people, but she hated public speaking. It just wasn't her thing. But she reminded herself that today wasn't about her. Emily took a deep breath and began her speech.

Emily "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Emily. I'm Beca and Chloe's unofficial child."

Everyone laughed, which gave Emily a small confidence boost.

Emily "Unlike the others. I wasn't there when Chloe and Beca first met. In fact, by the time I met them, they were already best friends. The first time I met Chloe, she told me all about Beca and how amazing she was. I was so excited I could hardly wait to meet her to see if what Chloe said was true. And you know what, Beca? Chloe was right. You are one of the most amazing people I've ever met. Not only would I have never gotten this amazing job I have now without you, but I also would have never got the courage to share my music with the world. I hope you know you're my hero."

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