Chapter 14: Emily

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Emily sat alone in the diner, waiting for Jesse.

Oh, how did I get myself into this mess? She thought. Emily felt guilty for lying to everyone. That is everyone except for Fat Amy, who had prided the truth from her.

Flashback to Emily's conversation with Far Amy the night before:

Fat Amy "So what you are saying is that you have a toner for Jesse, and you thought the best way to go about it was to set up a fake date with him?"

Emily "I'm just saying that I don't know yet. But he's really sweet, and I didn't want to let him leave without at least trying."

Fat Amy "Why didn't you just ask him out then?"

Emily "Because he is Benji's friend and Beca's ex. It would be too complicated to just straight up ask him out without getting to know him first."

Fat Amy "And what if Beca finds out?"

Emily "She won't. She'll be so busy with Chloe that she won't even notice that I'm gone. Plus, it's like you said, they totally have a toner for one another. Do you see Beca today? She followed Chloe around like a little puppy dog. Once they finally hook up, it won't matter if I am with Jesse or not."

Fat Amy "Maybe, but Chloe can't seem to make a move, and having Jesse around will only make it worse. Plus, Beca has a hard time letting things go. And what about Bumper and Benji?"

Emily "We won't be anywhere near them. And I sent Bumper and Benji on a wild goose chase. So we're fine."

Fat Amy (annoyed) "There's something else you aren't telling me. What is wrong with Beca?"

Emily (lying) "What do you mean? There is nothing wrong with Beca."

Fat Amy "Listen, I lived with Beca for over five years, and I know something is wrong. Chloe can't see it because she is in love with her, but she isn't acting like herself."

Emily "I swore on the Bellas I wouldn't say.... until after she told Chloe."

Fat Amy (frustrated) "Well, I hope you know what you're doing. Because if you hurt Chloe, I will never forgive you."

Emily was sick to her stomach that she had lied to Beca and Chloe. But what else could she do? She was falling for Jesse, and this might be her only chance to express her feelings and see where things went.

At first, Emily felt guilty for trying to connect with Beca's old boyfriend. But the more she thought about it, the more she was okay with it. After all, Beca had Chloe, and Emily was pretty sure that she was in love with her. Chloe was for sure in love with her. And who was to say that Beca even wanted Jesse back. When they were in L.A., she never mentioned him once. Nor did she ever attempt to contact him. So why shouldn't she try to get him?

The problem was Emily wasn't sure how she was going to communicate her feeling to Jesse. In a perfect world, she would have just asked him to get a drink or to lunch herself. But she didn't want Benji to be there. He would only complicate things. So she made up a white lie. The plan was simple, say Beca couldn't make it and then tell Jesse that she liked him. How hard could it be? She thought

Jesse walked in, and Emily took a deep breath.

Emily "Hey, Jesse, over here!"

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