Chapter 18: Beca

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While Chloe was talking to Aubrey on the phone at the gas station, Beca was back at the house. After their brief conversation, Fat Amy had gone to get ready for her day. The singer was left all alone in the living room. She decided to try and work on a mix for Chloe. But she couldn't focus. There was just too much going on.

For one, Beca was kicking herself that she didn't go with Chloe. Why didn't I just go with her? Beca thought. Once again, the smaller woman had let her emotions get, the better of her. She was so preoccupied with finding out why Emily had lied to her that she didn't stop to think about what Chloe was feeling. Beca realized she didn't want Jesse back in talking to Aubrey and Amy. She just wanted to be with Chloe.

But that too was complicated. There were so many things that Beca needed to tell Chloe. She wasn't exactly sure what to say or where to start. She needed to talk to someone about it. But who?

Beca turned on her phone to look through her contacts. She had about fifty new texts from Aubrey. By quickly skimming through them, she could tell that Chloe had already told Aubrey about their kiss. It made sense she'd be the first person Chlo would tell. Beca wanted to ask Aubrey for advice, but she wasn't exactly known for having healthy relationships with the boys she dated. So Beca just texted her, "I'm sure you've already heard the big news."

Beca also saw that she had several new texts from Emily. But she didn't even bother looking at them. She still needed some more time to cool off. After all, she would have already told Chloe her feelings if she hadn't lied to her.

Realizing that she couldn't talk to Aubrey, Fat Amy, or Emily, Beca decided to talk to the only person who would know what it was like to be in her situation, Cynthia-Rose. Cynthia-Rose had met a girl and fallen in love their senior year of college. Beca didn't know much about their relationship other than they got married shortly after graduation. Cynthia-Rose was always very private about her personal life, and she never brought her wife around the Bellas. But Beca felt that they were close enough that she could ask for some advice.

Beca texts, "Hey dude, I know it's been a minute since we talked, but I was wondering if I could ask you for some personal advice?"

Cynthia-Rose texts, "Sure, Beca, what's up?"

Beca texts, "Well, hopefully, this isn't too personal. But how did you go about telling your wife that she was the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with?"

Cynthia-Rose texts, "Are you asking how I proposed?"

Beca texts, "No. Like, how did you tell her that you were in love with her? and more importantly, how did you know it was the right time?"

No reply.

Aubrey finally texts back, "What news? Please tell me it is about you and Chloe."

Beca texts, "No du dude."

Aubrey texts, "Well, tell me all about it...."

Beca texts, "All I'll say is that it was Aca-mazing."

Aubrey texts, "So cute! Tell me more."

Beca texts, "Maybe when you're older ;)"

Aubrey texts, "Come on! Just tell me!"

While waiting for CR to respond, Beca decided to text Chloe to let her know she missed her and wanted her home.

Beca texts Chloe, "Babe, you almost home? I miss you. ️"

Chloe texts back, "I'm almost home️ there's just been a slight complication."

Beca texts, "I can't wait to be your complication."

Chloe texts, "You always have been:)."

Beca blushed. She was so in love with Chloe; she could hardly stand it.

She then went back to working on her mix. Why isn't CR texting back? She wondered. As soon as Beca got into her music, she noticed Fat Amy walk out the front door. The singer wasn't too concerned as Fat Amy had always come and gone as she pleased. But she did find it peculiar that she didn't say where she was going or at least say goodbye.

Beca felt her phone vibrate. It was Cynthia-Rose.

Cynthia-Rose texts "1. I just said what I felt. 2. I don't think there is a right time."

Beca texts, "What do you mean no right time?"

Cynthia-Rose "I think some times are better than others. But if it's right, it's right, and all that other stuff will workout itself out."

She then texts, "Does it feel right, Beca?"

Beca texts, "Yes."

Cynthia-Rose texts, "Then go say what you feel."

Realizing that Cynthia-Rose was right, Beca decided not to wait any longer. She saved her mix. She then got up and walked out of the house. As soon as she was outside, Beca felt a rush of nervousness and excitement come over her. She could just picture the look on Chloe's face when she saw her coming to meet her. Then Beca would tell her how she felt and ask her to be her girlfriend. She wouldn't tell her about her cancer just yet, though. She would enjoy a few days with Chloe first, and then they could figure everything else out.

Beca (talking to herself as she walks) "Be cool, Beca. Like Chloe says, it will be awes. Just say what you feel. But don't say anything too weird or stupid. Come on, what's the worst that could happen?"

Beca didn't want to think about that.

Beca walked down the lane with butterflies in her stomach. As she was about to go around the corner, she was almost run over by Jesse.

Jesse "Beca?"

Beca (in shock) "Jesse?"

Beca's heart sank as she saw Chloe and Fat Amy come along behind him.

Shit, this is going to complicate things, she thought.

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