Chapter 25: Jesse

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Jesse walked out of the club's back door to find Emily. She was sitting all alone on the curb drinking.

Jesse "Is there a reason you are out here drinking alone?"

Emily got up and started walking away.

Emily (tipsy) "Please, just leave me alone."

Jesse went after her.

Jesse, "Can we just talk?"

Emily (keeps walking, trying not to stumble) "No."

Jesse (following her) "Will you just listen to me for five minutes?"

Emily kept walking.

Emily (slurring her words) "Why? So you can just talk about how you want Beca back?"

Jesse ran up and grabbed Emily by the arm so she would have to turn and look at him.

Jesse "Why is it that none of you Bellas will listen to me?! I don't want to get back with Beca. And she clearly doesn't want to get back with me. I just wanted to talk to her about why I broke up with her. Okay? (Emily nods) So will you please tell me why your acting so God Damn weird?"

Emily (drunk) "Well..... I um..... I don't feel too good."

All of a sudden, Emily felt a rumbling in her stomach. She knew she should turn away. But before she could, Emily found herself throwing up all over Jesse's blue suit coat.

Jesse (shocked) " God damn it."

Emily started to cry uncontrollably.

Jesse "Hey, it's okay. It's just a jacket."

Jesse helped Emily sit down on the ground. He then pulled the jacket off and threw it away in a dumpster. The older man then made his way over to the singer, whose head was buried in her knees. She was still sobbing. He sat down next to her and put his arm around her back.

Jesse "Come on, let's get you home. You'll feel better in the morning."

Emily nodded, and Jesse helped her to her feet. The Treblemaker knew she was too drunk to get herself home. He also had no idea where any of the other Bellas were, and even if he didn't, they didn't want to see him. So, he decided to get her an Uber.

Emily didn't say anything while they waited. She just held on to Jesse and tried to stop crying. Before she knew it, the car was there. Jesse helped her into the back seat. He told the driver where to go and then got in next to her. As the car drove off, Jesse was supersized when Emily put her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest. He didn't know what to think until he realized she was cuddling with him. Once, he realized that he was at peace for the first time that day.

But his peace was short-lived as the driver pulled up to Emily's house within minutes. Jesse paid the man and then helped Emily to the door.

Jesse "Are you okay from here?"

Emily nodded. She then turned and tried to get her key in the door.

Jesse "Here, let me get that for you."

Jesse unlocked the door and opened it for her.

Jesse " There you go."

Emily " Thanks."

Jesse went to leave but then stopped himself. He grabbed Emily's arm and said.

Jesse "I know you probably won't remember any of this tomorrow, but I'm glad I got to know you Em..."

Without thinking, Emily pulled Jesse in and kissed him as hard as she could. And to his surprise, he kissed her back even though her breath smelled like vomit. For what seemed like forever, they stood there kissing until Jesse realized that she was drunk.

This isn't really her, he thought, as he pulled himself away from her.

Jesse "I should go. I'll see you tomorrow."

Emily "No, please don't go."

Jesse "Em, your drunk."

Emily started to cry again, but Jesse couldn't take it this time. He turned and left as fast as he could. The younger woman called after him, but he just kept walking.

All Emily could do was watch helplessly as he left her on her front steps. And before she knew it, he was gone. She sat there for a while, hoping he would come back. Eventually, she realized he wasn't going to. The singer then somehow managed to get herself to her bed, where she cried herself to sleep.  

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