Chapter 24: Chloe and Beca

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Chloe sat at the bar all alone and started to cry at the thought of Beca kissing Jesse again. But just as she was beginning to lose it, the redhead heard an all too familiar voice say, "I'll have whatever she's having." Chloe looked and was shocked to see Jesse in the seat next to her.

Chloe "Jesse?"

Jesse "Hey Chloe, mind if I join you? I could use some company......and you're the only person here who will still talk to me."

Chloe "What? Where's Beca?"

Jesse (drinks) "She's holed up in the bathroom. She won't talk to me."

Chloe (sarcastically to herself) "I wonder why?"

Jesse "Bumper and Amy took off somewhere. Benji's still mad at me, and Emily won't even look at me. So I figured I would come and apologize for ruining the riff off..."

Chloe ignored his apology and sipped her drink.

Jesse (realizing she is still upset) "......and for interrupting earlier when you and Beca were having a moment."

Chloe still didn't say anything.

Jesse "I just thought if I could talk to her about our break up that we could put all this drama behind us."

Chloe (finishes her drink.) "She deserves better than you."

Jesse (supersized) "what?"

Chloe (Slams her glass down and turns to face Jesse) "Beca deserves better than you! (She gets angrier) You were her boyfriend for three years. You should have told her every day how beautiful and amazing she was. You should have praised her music and written songs just for her. You should have spent every second you could with her.

And most importantly of all, you should have told her that you loved her from the moment you first met her. And that sometimes you can think straight because all you can think about is her. (She goes from yelling to crying) And that all you ever wanted was just to be with her. And the very thought of losing her to someone else is the scariest thing you can possibly imagine. Because what would life be like without her special glow? Without her dark sense of humor? Without her amazing voice to comfort you and get you through the day?

You could have told her all of that, but you didn't! You left her, dumped her, and made her feel like she wasn't good enough. But you know what? To me, she has always been perfect just the way she is. For years, I've wanted to tell her all of that and so much more. But I couldn't because she was your girlfriend, not mine. And I still can't tell her that I love her because every time I go to say those words, I see her kissing you at nationals. I see how happy she was to be with you and not me. And I freeze.

But what do you care? You don't care about her or Emily or even me. You only cared about yourself."

Chloe finished her rant. She then got up and stormed out of the bar with tears streaming down her face. What she didn't realize was that Beca had been standing behind her the whole time. She had been so focused on Jesse that she didn't even notice her there.

After Jesse had grabbed her, Beca had gone into the ladies' room to get away from him. However, after Emily scolded her, the singer realized it was time to end all of this drama. She also realized that it was a mistake letting Chloe go again. The redhead already felt bad enough about losing the riff-off, and seeing Jesse want to talk to her alone would have only made things worse for her. So Beca decided it was time to be upfront with Jesse about her true feelings. But when she left the restroom, there was no sign of him anywhere. She walked around and saw Jesse sitting at the bar next to Chloe. Beca could tell that Jesse was trying to apologize and that Chloe wasn't having it. The singer was about to say something to the two when Chloe blew up on Jesse. Beca was shocked by what Chloe said to him. And by the time she fully processed what had happened, Chloe was gone.

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