Chapter 4: Jesse

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It was 4 in the morning when Jesse woke up to a loud banging on his front door. Once he realized that it wouldn't go away, Jesse slipped on a robe to see what the matter was. As soon as he opened the door, Bumper walked in and gave him a big hug.

Bumper "Bro, I finally found you! You are a hard man to find! I had to bribe a couple of people to get your address."

Jesse "Bro, you have my number. It hasn't changed since we were in college."

Bumper "Yeah, well, in case you didn't know, I have been on a mission of self-discovery. I can't be bothered to remember everyone's number."

Bummer moves past Jesse and starts making his way into the kitchen.

Bumper "Bro, do you have any caffeine or alcohol? Or better yet, an energy drink with alcohol in it?"

Jesse can hardly believe it as he watches Bumper rummage through his kitchen, looking for a drink. As far as Jesse knew, no one had seen or heard from him in at least three years. After The Voice, Bumper seemed on top of the world. His first album dropped, and it seemed like he was destined to be a star. Then one day, he just disappeared. No one was really sure why. A lot of people thought that he couldn't take the pressure and flipped out like Shia LaBeouf. Jesse had always thought that there had to be more to the story. But as he watched Bumper, he started to think they were right.

Jesse "So what's up, man?"

Bumper "Bro, you are not going to believe this, but a few years ago, I had somewhat of a mental breakdown."

Jesse "Yeah, so why are you at my house at 4 in the morning?"

Bumper "Because it ruined my whole life. I mean, I was at the top, but it felt like my life had no meaning. And I just became obsessed with finding my life's purpose. I drifted from place to place, but nothing ever seemed right. Until one day, it hit me. Amy! My life is incomplete without Amy!"

Jesse "What does that have to me?"

Bumper "You can help me get her back."

Jesse "You don't need me, man. Just call her."

Bumper, "I can't. I don't have her number. And even if I did, she wouldn't talk to me. That's why I need you. You can get your girlfriend to set something up, and I'll just happen to be there."

Jesse "If you're talking about Beca, we broke up years ago."

Bumper "What?"

Jesse " Yeah, I don't even know where she is at or how to get a hold of her."

Bumper "Man, what are we going to do to find them?"

Jesse "We're not. I'm going to go back to bed."

Bumper sat down on Jesse's couch and started to cry

Bumper "Man, if I don't get Amy back, I'm nothing. You were my only hope."

Jesse can see that Bumper is a broken man. He's no longer the hothead he once was. Seeing this, Jesse can't help but wonder what else has changed since he left Barden. His mind then wanders back to the night he and Beca broke up. Maybe he had been too hard on her. Or maybe she had changed. He wasn't sure she would even want to see him now. But it was clear that Bumper needed help. Perhaps if he helped Bumper, he could find out what happened to her. That would at least give him some closure.

Jesse "What do you say we get some sleep, and I'll call Benji in the morning. Last I heard, he and Emily are still dating. He can tell us where to go."

Bumper "Really, man? That's awesome! Just one question."

Jesse "What?"

Bumper "Who is Benji?"

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