Chapter 27: Beca

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Beca woke up completely refreshed from a good night's sleep for the first time in months. She felt around the bed for Chloe. But she wasn't there.

Beca "Chloe?"

When Chloe didn't respond, the singer grabbed her phone to see what time it was. She was surprised to see that it was already 1 o'clock.

She also saw that she had several texts from Chloe. The firsts read, "Hey, I had to run into work for a few hours, and I didn't want to wake you." Chloe had also sent a picture of Beca asleep with a caption that read: "You are so cute when you sleep 😍."

Beca texts back, "I wanted to wake up next to you, Chlo 😔"

Chloe texts back, "I'm sorry, babe. I'll take tomorrow off, and we can spend all day in bed if you want. 😉😘"

Beca texts, "I can't wait 😍❤️."

Beca rolled out of bed. She put on her panties and then threw on one of Chloe's shirts. Since she was slightly smaller than Chloe, the shirt looked like a mini-dress on her. The singer then made her way to the kitchen to see if she could find some food. Thinking that she was all alone in the house, the brunette sang to herself as she looked through the refrigerator.

What she didn't know was that Fat Amy was also in the house. She, too, had just woken up from a late night out with Bumper and was going into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. At first, Fat Amy thought nothing of Beca rummaging through her fridge half-naked.

Fat Amy "Hey, Beca."

Fat Amy's statement scared the singer, causing her to jump. However, once she realized that it was only Fat Amy, Beca tried to act casual. The brunette slowly tried to hide her bare lags behind the counter. She was praying that the Australian wouldn't notice that she was only wearing Chloe's shirt.

Fat Amy "Sorry, Beca, I didn't mean to scare you. I just need some Coff..... (She looks at Beca) Is that a hickey on your neck? Wait, are you wearing Chloe's shirt? (Then it hits her. She opens her mouth in shock and gets really excited) Oh my god, did you two do it?"

Beca could help but smile.

Fat Amy (excited) "Oh my god, it finally happened! You banged Chloe. I have to text the others."

As Amy goes to leave, Beca grabs her.

Beca "Amy, wait, you can't tell anyone yet."

Fat Amy "Why not?"

Beca "Chloe and I still have a few things we need to discuss about our relationship before we come out to everyone."

Fat Amy (annoyed) "Fine, but at least tell me all about it. Like who was bottom, and who was top?"

Beca "Amy! That is between Chloe and me."

Fat Amy "You might as well tell me because Chloe will end up telling me all about it eventually."

Beca "No, she won't."

Fat Amy rolled her eyes and gave Beca a look that said, "really?"

Beca "Okay, she probably will, but can we just not get into the details of my sex life. It's really weird, dude."

Fat Amy "Well, I have to say I'm impressed you come home, and it only takes you two days to bang Chloe."

Beca (laughs and says, not thinking) "I would have done it the first day if I wasn't sick."

Fat Amy (supersized) "Sick? Is that what you aren't telling us, Beca?"

Beca stops smiling. Beca "yeah, I.... I have cancer, Amy."

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