Chapter 10: Jesse

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For the second straight week, Jesse found himself in Barden. And for the second straight week, he regretted ever getting involved.

Just getting Benji a date with Emily proved to be a lot more complicated than he had initially thought. It wasn't really a surprise when Emily didn't answer his calls. But Jesse figured that texting her would be just as good. The problem was Benji wasn't much of a texter in that he couldn't spell. The first few texts he sent to Emily didn't even make sense. Realizing this plan wasn't going to work, Bumper took his phone and tried to text her but then quickly decided that Jesse was more qualified for the job.

Jesse wasn't sure what to say. So he decided to act like he was trying to reconnect with Beca. He first made some small talk. As soon as she began to text back, he then got more flirtatious. He also made sure to apologize for the way that their relationship had ended. Seeing that she was open to talking about how things had ended, he asked her out on behalf of Benji. Bumper was furious that he didn't mention him or try to get Amy's number. But Jesse felt it was best that Benji eased his way back into Emily's life before trying to find out how to contact Beca or Amy.

Unfortunately, that meant that Bumper had to stay with Jesse for an entire week as they waited to see how it all played out. After two days, Benji showed up at Jesse's house, wanting him to text Emily back for him. Jesse did so but felt uncomfortable cat-fishing her even if it was Benji on Benji's half.

When the day for the big date came, the question then was what would Bumper and Jesse do during that time. Jesse had opted to stay home, claiming that he had faith that Benji and Emily could work things out on their own. But Benj and Bumper both disagreed, and they begged him to come. So he reluctantly agreed to go as a wingman.

As the trio waited at a small diner where they were supposed to meet Emily, Benji began to lose his cool.

Benji, "What should I say, man?"

Jesse "Just say what comes to your head and act natural."

Bumper "Act natural for you."

Benji (pacing) "I can't take this stress. Where is she?"

Jesse "We are still an hour early, man. Just relax."

Bumper "I could really go for a drink. Benji, what do you say we go to the new place across the street and take the edge off?"

Jesse "I don't think that that's a good idea."

Before he could finish his statement, Benji and Bumper were on their way out the door.

Bumper "Don't worry. We'll be back in an hour."

Jesse "Oh, I have a bad feeling about this."

Jesse watched as the two men walked out of the restaurant, leaving him all alone. He then figured he would order some food since he had nothing else to do. Jesse was used to eating alone. Even when he was dating Beca, they rarely ate together. For the most part, he was okay with it, but there were times when he wished for some company. Someone he could talk to. Or, even more importantly, someone he could listen to.

Jesse was thinking about the lonely situation he was in when he heard a familiar voice.

Emily "Jesse?"

Jesse(shocked) "Oh my god?! Emily, how are you?"

Emily hugs Jesse " I almost didn't recognize you. I was supposed to meet Benji here in a few minutes. What are you doing here?"

Jesse "Well, it's complicated. But Benji should be back any minute. Would you care to join me while you wait?"

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