Chapter 8: Emily

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The next Saturday, Emily found herself deep in thought as Chloe cooked lunch for the three women. She was feeling overwhelmed with everything that was going on. A week ago, all she wanted was to reunite Beca and Chloe so that they'd be friends again. But things were quickly spiraling out of her control. First, there was the fact that Beca had cancer and might be dying. It broke her heart to see her close friend and mentor in pain. Even worse was the fact that she couldn't tell anyone about it, not even Chloe. And on top of it all, Benji started calling.

At first, Emily just ignored his calls. After all, why should she make an effort to talk to him after the way he ended their relationship? Plus, she wanted to spend what time she could with Beca while there still was time. But then Benji started texting her. At first, it was all incoherent small talk. But eventually, it turned sweet, as he apologized for the way that their relationship had ended. He even asked her out to see if they could catch up. Emily reluctantly agreed to meet him on Saturday night. She justified her decision by saying to herself that maybe he had finally grown up. Talking to Beca made her think it was at least worth trying.

But today, she was having her doubts about reuniting with Benji. There was so much that still needed to be done for Chloe's birthday party. She also didn't know if she wanted to put her heart through it all again.

Emily's train of thought was interrupted by Chloe.

Chloe (cooking) "So, Em, you never told us how your trip was last weekend?"

Emily (surprised by the question) "It was good. I just had to visit a client in L.A."

Chloe (stops what she is doing and looks at Emily) "You were in L.A.? Did you see Beca?"

Emily (looks down, so Chloe won't know she's lying) "No. I wanted to, but our schedules just didn't line up."

Chloe (sadly goes back to cooking) "That's too bad. Did she at least say how she's doing?"

Emily (lies again) "Not exactly. I think she has a lot on her plate right now."

Chloe "Well, you know Beca. She doesn't like to let her real feelings show. But I think she misses us. She just expresses it differently.......We just need to give her some time and space to figure things out for herself."

Fat Amy (winks at Emily) "So how was the client?"

Emily, "The client, was complicated, more complicated than I was expecting. But you know, after a few drinks and a very...very long talk, I think we came to an agreement of sorts."

Chloe "That's awesome, Em. You know you really have a gift for what you do. I doubt there a singer out there you could convince to sign with you."

Emily's phone vibrated. She looked and saw it was a text from Beca. It said, "Hey, I am outside. Have Chloe answer the door when it rings."

Emily texts back, "What? I thought you weren't coming for another week?"

Beca texts back, "Life's short! I decided to come home early and spend some time with you guys before I started my treatment. Be ready."

The doorbell rings.

Chloe "Amy, can you get that? I am almost done."

Emily "Actually, Chlo, since you've gone to all this work, why don't you get the door and let us finish getting it ready."

Far Amy "Don't worry, I go it."

Emily (winks) "Well, it is probably not for you, Amy....... I mean, it's likely an old client wanting Chloe's veterinarian advice or something."

Fat Amy looked confused as the doorbell rang a second time. Emily quickly texted Fat Amy while Chloe wasn't looking.

Fat Amay (shocked) "Em's right, it's probably for you. I mean, who would come and visit us?"

Chloe (annoyed) "Fine, I'll get it. But the table better be set when I get back, or I swear."

Chloe then stormed out of the kitchen. Emily waited for a moment and then followed her trying her best to be sneaky. She wanted to see Chloe's reaction.

Emily got there just in time to see Chloe answer the door and see Beca standing there in front of her.

Beca "Hey."

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