Chapter 19: Jesse

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Jesse couldn't believe his eyes. It was Beca, and she looked as beautiful as ever. He was speechless.

Beca "What are you doing here, Jesse?"

Fat Amy "He is here to invite us to a riff off and to talk to Emily."

Jesse "Yeah, I ran into Chloe on my way over. And we have just been reminiscing about the good old days."

Beca lifted one of her eyebrows.

Beca "Oh, the good old days, huh? Which ones were those?"

Jesse "Same old sarcastic Beca, I see."

Beca "Same old overly simplistic Jesse, I see."

Jesse "You know I was hoping to get the chance to see you before I left town."

Beca "And whys that?"

Fat Amy (to Chloe) "Chlo, we should go. They probably want to be alone for this conversation."

Chloe (sounding defeated) "Yeah, we should go."

Beca "No, Chloe, you don't have to leave."

Jesse "Yeah, Chloe, Amy, please stay. After all, we are all friends here. Why not spend this time together?"

Chloe went to walk away. But before she could leave, Beca grabbed her arm. Beca raised her eyebrows and shrugged her shoulders at Chloe. Chloe shook her head, scrunched up her nose, and then singled something else. The two continued to exchange a series of looks for the next several minutes. Jesse wasn't exactly sure what they were saying to one another. But he knew that Chloe was pissed. The filmmaker had never seen her this shaken before. He couldn't help but wonder why. The Chloe he knew was always so positive and carefree.

What could be making her so stressed? Jesse wondered.

Eventually, Beca let go of Chloe's arm, and she and Fat Amy left.

As soon as the two were gone, Jesse and Beca started walking in the opposite direction.

Jesse (confused) "What was that all about? Did I do something to upset her?"

Beca "No. It's not you. It's me. Chloe and I just need to talk about a couple of things."

Jesse "What kind of things?"

Beca "Um...personal things... I'd rather not talk about it right now."

Jesse "Well, I'm sorry if I interrupted something important. To be honest, I didn't even know you were in town."

Beca "Really, because I heard that we had a lunch date today..... How did it go?"

Jesse (laughs) "You never showed up. So I guess it was like a lot of our old dates."

Beca (annoyed) "Well, you know me. I am too 'immature' and 'self-centered' to put anyone above myself."

Jesse grabbed Beca's hand.

Jesse "Beca, that's why I wanted to see you."

Beca pulls away from him.

Beca "Why?! So you can tell me that you are banging Emily behind my back now. Is she 'mature' enough for you?"

Jesse (stunted) "What? No. Beca, I wanted to talk about the way our relationship ended. I feel like we ended on bad terms, and I just wanted to explain some things and see if we could be friends again."

Beca (shocked) "Bad terms? You left me and then broke up with me because I was too 'immature.' What's else is there to explain?"

Jesse "Please, just give me a few minutes."

Beca (frustrated) "I need to get back to Chloe. She's probably really upset that I'm still gone."

Jesse "Beca, please?"

Beca "Fine, we can talk later about you banging Emily or whatever. But I need to get back to Chloe now. Okay?"

Jesse said okay, and Beca stormed off. He was frustrated that she didn't take the time to listen to him. He also still needed to talk to Emily. However, he quickly decided that now wasn't the best time. Jesse didn't know what was going on with the Bellas, but he could sense there was a lot of drama happening.

Jesse (to himself) "Well shit, I guess I'm staying for the riff-off."

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