Chapter 29: Emily

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Emily sat alone in the waiting room. The music producer was scrolling through her phone, just trying to get her mind off of everything that had happened the past few days. She was so fixated on it that she didn't even notice Jesse walk up. The older man took a seat next to her.

Jesse "Hey."

Emily (looks up from her phone) "Oh, hey."

Jesse "Fat Amy said I would find you here. I wanted to show you something."

Jesse handed Emily his phone. She looked and was surprised to see a bunch of pictures of Benji and Lily together. In several of them, he had his arm around her.

Jesse "Benji sent these to me. I guess they really hit it off at the riff-off."

Emily (laughed) "They look cute together."

Jesse "I have to admit, I didn't see that coming."

Emily "Me neither. But now that I think about it, they do have similar personalities. I'm happy for them."

Emily gave Jesse back his phone. There was so much she wanted to say, but the singer couldn't find the right words.

Emily "About what happened last night."

Jesse "Do you even remember what happened last night?"

The tone in his voice was stern but loving, and Emily felt her heart start to melt. The singer was worried that she might have made things worse between them. But she knew she had to be honest.

Emily "Not really. I just remember you took me home and that I didn't want you to leave."

Jesse looked at her as if he was thinking of what to say next. But Emily couldn't wait.

Emily "Jesse, whatever happened, it wasn't me. I mean, it was, but I was so out of it that ...... I would never do anything to hurt our relationship .... I mean friendship."

Jesse "Em, It's okay. You were really sweet last night. Other than you throwing up on me. That was gross."

Emily cringed at the thought.

Emily (nervous) "I'm so sorry. Just tell me how much I owe you. I'll buy whatever."

Jesse "Hey, don't worry about it. It's fine. Just give me a little heads up before you kiss me next time."

Emily blushed and swore to herself she would never drink again.

Emily (stuttering) "I kissed you?"

Jesse nodded.

Jesse "Emily, I know we don't know each other that well, but I've really enjoyed our time together over the past few days, and I was wondering... If maybe we could start over? I mean, I know that it's complicated with our history with Beca and Benji and..."

Emily (cutting him off) "Yeah, no! Let's start over. Just you and me. I promise I won't drink anymore."

Jesse (laughing) "Okay, then maybe after all this with Beca is sorted out, go dinner? Just us."

Emily "Yeah, I'd like that a lot."

Emily was so excited that she could hardly stand it. She put her hand over Jesse's and felt her fingers interlock with his. The music producer knew that she should take things slow with the older man and that she shouldn't get her hopes up. But she couldn't stop herself from leaning in closer to him. She closed her eyes as he started to do the same. And before she knew it, her lips were interlocked with his.

She was going to remember this kiss for a long time.

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