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Eighteen months later, Chloe walked into her house after a long work day. She kicked off her high heels and noticed the house was darker than usual. The redhead looked around and noticed there was no sign of Beca anywhere. She knew the smaller woman was probably fine, but Chloe still worried about her wife being alone for long periods of time. She still wasn't 100% herself yet, and Chloe didn't know if she ever would be again.

Beca had been in remission for about four months now. Once she was done with her treatment, the couple decided to move back to Barden. They wanted to pick up their lives where they had left off. For the most part, things were finally getting back to normal. But the redhead still worried about her wife.

Chloe (yelling) "Beca?"

There was no response. So Chloe decided to look and see if she was in Emily's old room, which was now Beca's office. But the singer wasn't there. Chloe took a moment to think about Fat Amy and Emily. It was still strange to her that they were gone. But she knew they were happy, and she loved the fact that she and Beca had the house to themselves now.

Chloe (yelling again) "Beca! Where are you?"

Chloe looked in the kitchen and in the backyard, but there was still no sign of her wife. The redhead was tired. She felt like she had aged a lot in the past 18 months. Having to watch Beca go through chemotherapy took a toll on her both physically and mentally. It was the hardest thing she had ever done. But Beca was so brave, and she endured everything like a champ. And Chloe was with her every step of the way. Because of it, they were closer than they had ever been, which is something neither of them thought was possible.

Now that they were home, Chloe kept thinking about what was next. The redhead wanted to have a baby with Beca. She could just see her wife outback playing with their daughter. It was still a ways off, but Chloe knew it would happen eventually. Then their family would be complete.

Chloe stopped daydreaming and went back inside to see if her wife was in bed.

Maybe she's talking a nape, Chloe thought.

Chloe (yelling as she goes upstairs) "Beca, I'm going to take a shower."

Chloe got to her room and was surprised that Beca wasn't there either.

Where could she be? Chloe wondered.

She went over to her bed and started to undo her veterinarian scrubs when she felt someone jump on her back. Chloe was scared to death until she realized it was only Beca.

Luckily, the smaller women didn't weigh very much, and Chloe was able to maintain her balance. However, once Beca started to kiss her neck, the ginger lost control, sending them both falling onto their bed.

Chloe "Beca?! What are you doing?"

Beca "I'm surprising my sexy ass wife."

Beca wasted no time roiling her wife onto her back. She then got on top of the redhead and began kissing her neck. She was so full of life, and Chloe was so happy to see her like this. Beca's lips made her way up to Chloe's. The smaller women then started tugging at Chloe's pants.

Chloe (pulling away from Beca) "Baby, we can't. The Bellas are coming over tonight, remember?"

Beca (kissed her wife again) "Who cares? I want to be with my wife right now."

Chloe looked into Beca's eyes, and she melted. It was so good to see her wife like this. The redhead ran her hand through Beca's short dark hair. She had lost all her hair because of the chemotherapy, and now it was finally starting to grow back. Beca was so happy that it didn't come back grey, but she was still self-conscious about it. In fact, until recently, she would always wear a hat in public to hide it. But Chloe never cared. She felt her wife was beautiful just the way she was.

Chloe "You look amazing, Becs."

Beca (seductively ) "Then make love to me."

Chloe nodded, and she felt Beca's hands run all over her body. The older woman knew she couldn't say no to her after all they had been through.

Chloe "But what are we going to do with the Bellas?"

Beca "It doesn't matter. All that matters is that we're together."

Chloe smiled into her wife's kiss, knowing that she was right.


(Author's note: Thank you all so much for reading this! :) I would love to know what you think about it. Also, I hope to write a squeal eventually. There were a lot of things and characters that didn't fit quite fit into this story that I would love to explore sometime. Lastly, I would like to thank ssweet-serendipityy, who, in a roundabout way, helped me to finish this. You should all definitely go and read her stories!)

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