Chapter 12: Beca

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Beca woke up to find herself alone in Chloe's bed. Her heart sank when she realized that Chloe wasn't still there. In fact, she wasn't sure if the redhead had ever been there with her. The last thing that Beca could remember was watching T.V. with Chloe. But it was more than just that. The two were having a moment as they cuddled on the sofa. Beca was sure that things would have gone further if she hadn't been so exhausted. The singer had fought so hard to stay awake, but she just couldn't. Chloe must have taken her into her bed and tucked her in after she fell asleep.

Beca got up and already felt drained as she made her way into Chloe's shower. The disease was slowly winning. She needed to make things right with Chloe while she still could.

After a long shower, Beca got dressed and made her way into the quiet house to find Chloe making breakfast.

Chloe (looks up from what she is doing) "Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?"

Beca "Yeah, I guess I just passed out last night.....Unless you roofied me,"

Chloe "If I was going to roofie you, I would have done it years ago."

Beca (winks at Chloe) "For all I know, you did."

Beca could tell that Chloe was about to say something flirty when Emily walked into the kitchen. Instead, the redhead just winked at Beca, and the younger woman felt her heart melt.

Chloe "Em, how did you're date go last night?"

Emily (looks at Chloe as if to say something to Chloe without telling Beca) "it was okay."

Beca "Just okay?"

Emily "He was really sweet. I just get the feeling that he likes someone else."

Beca "If he likes someone else, why did he ask you out?"

Emily (shakes her head) "I don't know, it was a weird night."

Chloe "Did he talk about another girl, Em?"

Emily "Yeah, he just kept bringing up this girl he used to date."

Beca "That sucks."

Chloe "Well, Benji was always kind of awkward around you. Maybe he was just nervous."

Fat Amy (enters) "Or maybe he regrets being such a little cock sucker for the past three years."

Beca felt that Fat Amy was talking about someone else besides Benji, but she didn't think too much about it after Chloe and Emily nodded in agreement.

Chloe "So, are you going to see him again?"

Emily "Yeah, we are going to have lunch later today."

Beca "Well, if you want, Chlo and I can come with you as moral support. (Beca places her hand on Chloe's shoulder) It would be good to see Benji again, and maybe he would be more relaxed in a group."

Emily (looking shocked) "I don't think that would be a good idea. You know Benji. He gets worked up over little things. Plus, I wouldn't want you guys for competition." (Emily winks at Chloe, who is unsure of what the wink means gives her a strange look).

Fat Amy "Well, I m not leaving the house until things go back to normal."

Beca (confused) "How come I feel like you all know something I don't?"

Chloe "I'll catch you up later. Now, let's eat everyone."

Emily (smirks) "I'm sure Beca has a few things to catch you up on too, Chlo."


After breakfast, Beca suggested that the four girls all go to Cherry Springs. Fat Amy immediately said no, which wasn't really a surprise. But, it was a little surprising when Emily refused to go. What confused Beca about her not wanting to go was her attitude. It was like the younger woman was upset at her. Or maybe she was worried that she would miss her precious date. After all, it was her idea for Beca to come back home to be with Chloe. Then again, Beca thought it was possible that Emily just didn't want to feel like the third wheel. She might also be afraid that if she was there, she would slip up and tell Chloe that Beca had cancer. Beca could tell it was eating her up that she couldn't tell Chloe.

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