Chapter 13: Chloe

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Chloe was sick to her stomach. She was so close to telling Beca. Why couldn't she just say what she felt? Her whole life, Chloe had never had a problem expressing how she felt. But with Beca, it was different. Her mind went completely blank when they were together. All she could think about was her. And the way that Beca was looking at her when she took her hand got her all twitterpated. The redhead tried, but she just couldn't find the right words. She was so fixated on it that when she saw Benji, it startled her. From there, it all spiraled out of control.

According to Benji and Bumper, the two were out looking for Emily and Fat Amy. For some reason, they thought they would find them at Cherry Springs. But Jesse wasn't there. Was he with Emily? Did Emily intentionally set up a date with Jesse? Was she trying to help Chloe get with Beca, or was she trying to make a move on him herself? More importantly, what did Beca think of all of this? Did this change what had been happening between them?

Chloe was only sure of one thing. She wasn't just going to stand by and lose Beca to Jesse a second time. This time she would make her true feelings known one way or another.

Chloe "Benji, Emily told us that you asked her out to dinner last night."

Benji "I did. But I got really nervous. So I had a couple of drinks to try and help take the edge off."

Bumper "But then Benji got wasted and didn't show."

Beca and Chloe exchange looks.

Beca "Benji, that's terrible."

Benji "I know. That's why I am here to apologize."

Chloe (looks at Beca, then back to Benji) "But why would you think that she was here?"

Benji "She told Jesse that she and Fat Amy come here on Sunday afternoons and that this would be the best place for us to find them."

Bumper (looks around) "So where are they?"

Beca (Crosses her arms and frowns) "They're not here. They didn't want to come with us."

Bumper "Well, let's go get them."

Chloe "Bumper, it's not that simple. When you left, you said some things that really hurt Amy."

Bumper "I know, but if she would just talk to me, I know we would get back together."

Chloe "I think Amy knows that too, which is why she doesn't want to see you. She doesn't want to be hurt like that again."

Bumper "But I am a changed man. Things would be different this time."

Chloe "Then you need to find a way to show her that you have changed."

Benji "What should I do?"

Chloe "I honestly don't know. I thought Emily was with you. (Chloe thinks for a minute) You might start by talking to Jesse."

Bumper "That's right! Jesse never went to the club last night, which means he must have been with Emily.......That son of a bitch set us up! (turns to Benji) Let's go have a talk with him."

Benji got Chloe's number so that he could tell her what they found out. The two boys then left as quickly as they got there, leaving the two girls where they found them.

Chloe knew Beca well enough to know that she was upset. It was made painfully clear when Beca quit talking.

Chloe "Beca, what are you thinking?"

Beca doesn't say anything.

Chloe (puts her arm on Beca's shoulder) "I know it is your nature to close yourself off when you get stressed. But don't shut me out. I'm here for you."

Beca (snaps)"Did you know that Emily was lying to me?"

Chloe "No, remember we invited her to come with us, and she said she had another date with Benji. That's why I was so shocked when I saw him."

Beca "But you said you could explain?"

Chloe "I just wanted to tell you that last night after you fell asleep, Amy came home and told me that Bumper and Jesse (she almost chokes on his name as she says it) were back in town. Emily is the one who told her. She said that Bumper was looking to reconnect with her. But Amy isn't ready to take him back yet. I just wanted you to find out from me and not them. I swear on the Bellas that all I know."

Beca (frustrated) "How could she do this to me, Chlo? I've told her every detail of my life. And she has been sneaking around with Jesse behind my back."

Chloe "Maybe it is a new development. I've never known Emily to lie, and she has never talked to me about liking anyone except for Benji. But I didn't think she liked him anymore until a few days ago when she mentioned she was going out with him again. We just need to do some digging to find the truth."

Beca still looked upset. It broke Chloe's heart to see her this way. She must still have feelings for Jesse, the redhead thought. This was going to complicate things. It was already impossible for Chloe to say what she felt, and now with Jesse back, her chances of being with Beca seemed to be falling fast.

Beca "I doubt Emily will want to talk to us about Jesse. So what do you suggest?"

Chloe "Actually, I was thinking that someone else might have the answers we need."

Beca smiled at Chloe and grabbed her hand. Then they both said, "Amy."

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