Chapter 15: Jesse

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Jesse wasn't sure how to feel when he saw Emily at the dinner. On the one hand, he was disappointed because he knew it probably meant Beca wasn't actually coming. Jesse had wanted to talk to Beca for a long time about the way their relationship ended. He knew he had hurt her but felt if he could just talk to her that maybe they could be friends again. On the other hand, he was happy to see Emily. He had really enjoyed their time together, and strangely enough, he was excited to talk to her again.

Jesse "Emily, what's up?"

Emily "Um Beca wasn't able to make it... So, I wanted to come and tell you myself since I don't have your number. I mean, I didn't want you to get stood up without knowing why."

Jesse "You could have just texted Benji...."

Emily made an upset face.

Jesse "....But I understand why you didn't. Why don't you give me your number so that I have it in the future."

He gave his phone to Emily, and she put her number in.

Jesse "And then you can just text me Beca's number."

Emily (annoyed) "I will have to talk to her first and make sure it is okay."

Jesse "Well, we are here. Would you like to eat?"

Emily (smiles) "I would love to."

Jesse "We just can't let Benji find out."

Emily "Why? I am a grown woman. I can have lunch with whomever I want."

Jesse "Yeah, but he's still in love with you. He'd be pissed if he thought I was trying to steal your behind his back."

Emily "You can't steal what he doesn't own."

Jesse (shrugged his shoulders) "True, but he is out looking for you with Bumper right now so that he can make amends."

Emily "In that case, you have nothing to worry about."

Just then, Jesse's phone started to ring.

Jesse "sorry about that. It looks like it is just a Bumper. I'll call him back later."

Emily got a strange look on her face but didn't say anything.

The two ordered their food. Jesse and Emily made small talk while they waited. It felt strangely like a date to the older man. He just couldn't shake the feeling that she set this up on purpose. He wondered if Beca even really was coming back to Bardon. There was only one way to find out the truth, he concluded.

Jesse "So you never actually said why couldn't Beca make it."

Emily (stops smiling) "Oh well, it was my mistake. I thought she was flying in last night, but when I got home, Chloe reminded me that she wouldn't get in until tonight."

Jesse "That's too bad. I was hoping to make some amends of my own."

Emily "What do you need to make amends for?"

Jesse "I just made a mistake when I ended our relationship."

As the words came out of his mouth, Emily looked like he had shot her in the heart.

Jesse "What I mean is that I...."

Before he could finish his sentence, Jesse was interrupted by a loud "you son of a bitch."

He looked to see Bumper and Benji walking towards him.

Bumper "You set us up so that you could be alone with her!"

Jesse "What?! Why would I do that? This is like the second time we have ever even talked."

Emily "What?! I thought you like..... you know what, never mind."

Jesse "Emily, that's not what I meant."

Emily got up and stormed out of the diner.

Bumper "You have a lot of explaining to do, bud."

Jesse ignored Bumper and turned to Benji.

Jesse "Well, go after her and tell her how you feel. (Benji goes after Emily. Then Jesse turns to Bumper). Let me guess Fat Amy wasn't there."

Bumper "No shit, Sherlock."

Jesse "Tell me what happened. I think we've been played."

Bumper went on to explain how he and Benji had run into Chloe at Cherry Springs and what she told them.

Jesse "I don't understand. Why wouldn't Amy want to see you? What did you say when you broke up with her?"

Bumper "I told her that she was a fat broke loser who would never amount to anything in life without me....Or something like that."

Jesse "What?! Why didn't you tell me that you said that when you first asked for my help?

Bumper "I told you we broke up. Why does it matter what was said? You know where they live. Let's just go over there and talk to them. I can get my girl back. You and Benji can get your girls back. We all walk away winners."

Jesse "It doesn't work like that, man. You can't just show up and expect everything to be fine after what you said. Plus, Emily said Beca isn't even in town."

Bumper "Yeah, she is, dude. We saw the midget with the redhead. It's how we knew you were with Emily."

Jesse "You saw Beca with Chloe?"

Bumper "Yes, we just barely talked to them."

Beca is here? Then I still have a chance, Jessie thought.

Just then, Benji walked into the dinner, looking depressed.

Jesse "How did it go, man?"

Benji, "I tried to catch her, but she wouldn't even look at me."

Jesse "Hey, I'm sorry, man."

Benji didn't say anything. He just stared blankly ahead.

Bumper "Well shit. Let's go get them. "

Jesse "Dude, get it through your head! We can't just march over there with them all pissed at us. we need to be more subtle."

Bumper "Well, what do you suggest?"

Benji (looking at the ground) "I don't care, I'm going home."

Jesse "What? Why?"

Benji "I saw how Emily was looking at you. She was happy. That's all I ever wanted for her."

Jessie could see the tears in Benji's eyes as he turned to walk away.

Jesse "Benji, it wasn't like that...."

Benji (interrupting him) "I know what I saw!"

Jesse didn't know what to say as he watched Benji walk out of the diner. He felt like he had stabbed his best friend in the back. The truth was Jessie had enjoyed being with Emily. He would have run after her had Benji not been there.

Bumper "This is great. Just great! You two are a bunch of losers. This is why the Treblemakers never won after I left. "

Jesse (snaps at Bumper) "I can't believe you, man. You know, I thought after everything you had changed, but I was wrong. You still don't think of anyone but yourself. (Jesse turns to walk away). I'm done trying to help you."

Bumper (in shock) "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I just really want this, and I don't know what to do."

Jesse knew he should keep walking, but he decided to stop.

There had to be a way to fix all this mess, he thought. But he had no idea how. He thought about Beca and what she would do. That is when it came to him.

Jesse ( turning) "I have an idea. It's a long shot, but it just might be crazy enough to work."

Bumper "I'll do anything. Just tell me what to do."

Jesse "For starters, how is your singing voice?"

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