🌪️ 1}

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A long time ago, Vampires lived through the fear of being discovered by Humans as they were the minority. Through the years they noticed that some of them blend in with Humans, even formed families with them which increased the numbers of Vampires.

Nowadays they don't even bother hidding as Humans are the minority but they still fear the Hunters. There is some exceptions, like the Royal families. Hunters know that if they try to touch a Pure blood, they would be the ones put on trial which could end in two different ways : exil or death.

The Royal family is known to be very respectful of the other families and to Humans. They are different from the other families for multiple reasons, one of them being there are two Queens leading the kingdom, the other being that they never forced their son to become King.

Their son, Seika, is grateful for this. The only problem he has is that he haven't found his Soulmate yet and he knows that it is the only condition he has to complete to take over and let his mothers rest. The Queens saw how worried their son looked about the condition so they decided, as a last resort, to throw a ball in hopes that Seika finally find his Soulmate. Little did they know, their son's Soulmate was not of royal blood nor was interested in the Royal family at all.

The Queens organised the ball themselves since they didn't trust anyone to make their home look as beautiful as they wished it to be. The white interior was complimented by a royal blue carpet along with all sorts of blue decorations like candles, tableware and flowers. It looked like a river with multiple shades of blue in a white forest, the Queens wouldn't want anything else as they found it beautifully done.

An annonce was made a few days prior to the ball to make sure it reached the ears of anyone who could be there and wanted to be there for the event. Humans were allowed to be there as long as they weren't Hunters, the Queens definitely didn't want them to spoil the event. As the time passed, they were excited for the ball to happen, so was Seika, he had high hopes.

The day of the ball arrived. Many Vampires and Humans arrived, thrown in the river of blue made by the Queens but none of them had caught the eyes of the Prince. He did spot a friend of his but that was it. He spent some time with said friend but his eyes never left the entrance, his friend knew what the blue haired vampire was waiting for. As the night dragged on, the sky changing from clear blue to a beautiful mix of red-orange hue then into the beautiful midnight blue, the Prince lost hope because the one he was waiting for never presented themselves to the castle's doors.

As the ball ended, the Queens and the Prince bid everyone goodbye and a safe journey back home. The Prince's friend lingered a bit, making sure Seika wasn't doing to do something stupid because he didn't find what he was supposed to find. Once he was sure, he bid goodbye to the Royal family and left.

The Queens checked on their son as soon as everyone left. The smile they had dropped when they saw the dejected face of their son. They spent hours reassuring the teenager. Telling him it was alright if he didn't find them, that he didn't have to rush, that they still could look over the kingdom. But the Prince's thoughts didn't register the kind words of his mothers. All he could think of was how shameful he was, his mothers made this beautiful ball for him to find his soulmate but he didn't find them.

The Queens gave a few good words to their son once again before heading to bed not knowing what would wake them up the next day. Meanwhile the Prince decided to take some valuable items, packed a few clothes and wrote a letter for his mothers then went to bed. As soon as the first ray of the day peeked through the curtains of his room, he was gone. The butler in charge of waking up the Prince was panicked when he saw the empty room that was the Prince's bedroom. The only words that were heard that morning were simple.

"The Prince is gone !"

- - -

Heya, so I wasn't going to publish this early but I felt inspired and went with the flow so there it is.

I hope you guys liked it !

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