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(M/n) didn't know what made his view change, he didn't know if it was the fear of loosing his soulmate, but ever since he saw his soulmate 'Seika' in school he couldn't bring himself to leave him. He simply couldn't leave him, (M/n) told himself he had to go home, eat, sleep, do anything but he never did. He just sat there, next to Seika's bed in the hospital, his hand curled up in Seika's. He couldn't tell how long he had been there but when the Queens showed up and saw his state, they sent him home with his friends. Of course (M/n) wanted to protest but one of them - Xenia, was it ? - told him he would most likely collapse before Seika woke up if he continued. Reluctantly he did went home, ate a bit, but he couldn't sleep. The image of Seika's orange eyes completely dull just kept him awake, he knew he was fine because the doctor told him so but he couldn't help the worry slowly creeping into his mind. (M/n) felt helpless until the Queen Magnolia fetched them, she kept giggling when she mentioned her son demanding for his soulmate like a child throwing a tantrum for ice cream until they got it.

Never once did the Queens blamed him, even when the doctor told them that it happened because "said soulmate must have wanted to reject the other, no matter how small the want was, it still was rejection." They barely looked his way but when they did (M/n) felt like they knew why he did it. They didn't question him though yet he couldn't help the tears. Maybe, just maybe, if he didn't believe his uncle for all he said about the Royal family, maybe it would have been different.

Once the siblings came out, they left him alone, they didn't say anything about his soulmate wanting to see him nor if he was still awake. The Human just touched his shoulder and gave a light push as if telling (M/n) to go on. At first he didn't move, he couldn't believe he hesitated now. When he finally came in, he actually expected Seika to be mad but he wasn't, he looked relieved to see (M/n). He still expected him to yell at him but all he got was Seika opening his arms for him. If it wasn't for the doctor's warning he probably would have thrown himself at his soulmate.

His soulmate. It felt good to call him that, being in his arms felt like coming home after a hard day at work - or what (M/n) imagine it would be like - it just felt good to be there, it was too good to be true. When he kissed Seika, he actually didn't know what came over him, maybe it was the relief of knowing his soulmate was alright or maybe it was the fact (M/n) wasn't in denial anymore, he didn't care at that moment. It felt right. The scent of orange and blueberries sure was weird but it smelled right. Their kiss was their way of reassuring the other that yes, everything will be alright, they'll be there for the other no matter what. (M/n) probably lost himself in the kiss, he lost himself because it felt right and he didn't care how he looked, still crying but still in his soulmate's arms. He could have swore they fell asleep like that but Seika's voice made him come out of his daze. "Are we okay ?" Were they ?

"Yes, we are."

And they were. That was until (M/n)'s uncle Daisuke caught wind of the news. After all the Prince finding his soulmate was great news and the opportunity to celebrate, they had to wait for the Prince to recover of course. Daisuke surely did not like what he heard. Of all people it had to be his nephew ? He certainly wasn't going to watch and do nothing about it. (M/n) told Seika, after all he needed to know. He only got laughed at.

Seika told him that when he was him his first thought was "Found him." (M/n) couldn't help but smile, in return he told Seika that if he ever told him he would have said something along the lignes of "I think you got the wrong person..." to which both laughed, they were alright, they were more than alright being with the other. They slowly drifted back to the subject of (M/n)'s uncle. "He won't allow it..." he sighed.

"I don't care, I only need Fate' s approval." Seika knew (M/n) was going to protest so he kissed him again. They could get used to that.

They both felt complete and that's all that mattered.

- - -
Hi, hello, heya.

So yeah not sure if this is somewhat angsty or fluffy... But it was fun to write !

Everything is okay for Seika and (M/n), Ikaku and Ayumu are slowly going back together and Katsuro and Yuuna are going to have a hard time. Hope you're ready for it.

Anyway hope you liked it and see y'all Thursday 🐍

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