🌕 24}

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There was something special about seeing the sunlight, feeling the wind and touching the ground after being locked up for so long. The small vampire didn't know how long he had stayed there but the memories of it were painful. He had no other emotion but disgust for his deeds. The only happiness he got was when the guard told him about the letter sent to his soulmate. He just felt drained, dirty and disgusting. Ayumu's relief came as the form of a shower. He didn't care about how long he stayed under the warm water nor how long he spent rubbing soap on his skin to get rid of the dried blood. All he knew was the feeling of being clean again, his skin red from the hot water and how much he rubbed the soap on it. It was painful to see how red it was, especially on his usually pale skin. Once Ayumu felt like himself again he asked the guard what was sent to his human. It seems suspicious yet logical after the recent news of Hunters but the key confused him.

Then he remembered the bracelet he had, well he would call it a chain rather than a bracelet, it was tightly tied on his left ankle. They told him once he was a little sane that it was to keep him from using his power, not that he used it often but he understood. They fret he would use it, as harmless as it was, since he was insane. It did slip out of his mind, it was weightless. He shook the thoughts away as a guard came to pick him up. The vampire had to close his eyes as the door opened and sunlight poured into the room. The guard did warn him that his eyes didn't return to their usual color yet to which he shrugged, his eyes color definitely didn't define his mental state at the moment.

Ayumu got anxious, the paperworks were taking way too long. He knew it wouldn't be at the place on time because of it, he mentally cursed the papers. Once he was let go, he ran as fast as his weak legs could and hoped that Ikaku didn't leave yet. He smelled the familiar scent of honey, rose and mint before he saw him. When the vampire finally stepped into the meeting place he felt all worries leave him, his human was still here.

When his hand found the warm skin of his human he couldn't help but think that it was real, he was afraid everything had be a dream and that he would wake up in that dark room again. But it wasn't, it was real, Ikaku was there. Standing right in front of him, his warm hand on his cheek, the other intertwined with his own. It felt satisfying to feel the blood working under his soulmate's skin. He definitely wasn't dreaming. They stood close to each other, hands on the other as if they feared the other would disappear if they let go, they didn't speak. Their eyes were making enough conversation, they didn't need to speak.

It was peaceful, the sounds of the nature didn't bother them, the wind only brought them closer to each other and they were close enough that Ikaku only had to lift Ayumu's face slightly and slowly give a kiss on his forehead. A silent way of asking if he could continue, he didn't need an answer as he felt Ayumu's cold hand on his neck and slowly bring him closer, their lips touching slowly yet tenderly.

When they separated they stared into the other's eyes, a small smile accompanied the red cheeks of the vampire and the human almost wanted to pick him up and cuddle the vampire. They felt satisfied. When they pulled away from each other, hands still intertwined, they realized they stayed in that position for too long. When they sneaked looks at the other, they thought it was all they needed, nothing could ruin it.

Until it did. Footsteps were heard, coming rapidly towards them. Ikaku had let go of the vampire's hand and pushed him behind him. The fact that the vampire was short did help to hide him from whoever was making their way towards them. His back facing the forest, he had his hands on the vampire's shoulders. He was going to speak when a voice was heard. "Son ?"

He turned and there she stood. His mother. Confusion written all over her face then it turned into happiness. "I see you caught one of those monsters." The word made Ayumu flinch, his eyes full of panic. Ikaku was still frozen, she didn't know. She took out a sharp piece of wood and hold it toward her son, her face still glowing in happiness. She thought her son finally joined their side. Her words were what made them pale in horror.

"Won't you make it your first kill ?"

- - -
Hi, hello, heya.

I'm sorry again about Monday, I seriously had no idea. Thankfully I have someone to help me ❤️

Fluff is definitely not my thing, I keep bringing angst...
I promise I'll make it up when I'll write the extra chapters once the story is done!

Anyway hope you liked it and see y'all Monday 🐍

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