🌕 12}

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He knew that listening to people's conversations was rude but he couldn't help it, he just loved his soulmate's voice. Hearing it made him relax a lot, he stopped glaring at the Prince as soon as he heard the golden haired boy's voice. The blue eyed vampire didn't really hate the Prince but his presence bothered a friend of his so he couldn't help but glare at him. Having him in his class didn't help at all, him being friend with his soulmate made it worse. But hearing his soulmate made him forget all that for a bit.

That was until he heard them talking about his last name. Hunters are known to keep a book with every family name of those they killed as a sort of trophy. Ayumu would be lying if he said he didn't hope for his human not to be involved with Hunters, that thought was crushed when he heard them. He started to shake badly but thankfully he was close to the entrance of the Vampire side so he was able to sneak back in without being see by them.

He sat there for what felt like hours, trying to get his shaking body to move away from them, away from danger. If his soulmate was in a family of Hunters then the chance of him being one was high. But knowing that he was friend with the Prince, a vampire, and his sister being a vampire too, the chance of him being a Hunter was pretty low. The small vampire was confused, what was he supposed to think ? All he got from his brain was that he had to get away from danger and the urge to take revenge.

He did want that. Take revenge for his innocent parents who didn't do anything except being themselves. Ayumu was never a violent vampire, even if he forgot to drink blood he never was violent. Sure he threatened a lot of people but he never took action since they knew not to mess with him or his friends and left them alone. He almost wanted to run back there and tear them apart, no mercy even for his soulmate.

Luckily, when he stopped shaking he immediately ran back to (M/n) and Yuuna. For a while he was able to put the thoughts aside and focus on Yuuna's soulmate, Katsuro. The guy wasn't that bad, Ayumu liked how he responded to his empty threat. He knew Yuuna was going to be in good hands. (M/n) was definitely another story especially after what he heard earlier. Even if the Prince himself wasn't involved, he couldn't bring himself to trust a vampire friend with a human from a Hunter family.

Seika probably felt his glare on his back for the rest of the classes. Ayumu found himself digging his nails in the table, making long scratch marks deep into the wood as he glared at the Prince. The others probably noticed but he didn't care. It definitely didn't stop him from digging his nails deeper into the wood, tainting the wood red. He only noticed his blood on the table when the teacher called him out which made him snap out of his thoughts.

Needless to say he was sent away because of the amount of blood pouring from his fingers. Only then he realized how numb his fingers were. The school nurse was kind enough to clean his fingers and wrap them carefully, she left him alone after that. She probably shouldn't have.

His mind went back to the human and what was said. He barely registered people walking in the room as he stared at the wall in front of him. When he felt a hand on his shoulder he slapped it away harshly and snarled at the person only to realize it was (M/n) who touched him. He saw the shock painted on his friend's face as he slowly calmed down. "Sorry about that..."

"Seriously what happened to you ?"

"Just heard something I didn't like."

"There's no way it's just 'something you didn't like' Ayumu."

"It's nothing -" He was interrupted by Yuuna, his voice shaking as (M/n) placed himself between the two.

"Your eyes are red."

- - -

Hi, hello, heya.

A little info you might want to know : if a vampire's eyes turn red it basically means bloodlust. It means the Vampire has the desire to kill and won't stop until they actually killed. Their eyes won't turn back to their original color unless they got blood on their hands, literally.

That said, I am writing a new story so I hope to see you guys there as well. I don't know when I'll publish it yet.

Anyway hope you enjoyed it and I'll see y'all Monday 💫

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