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He sighed once again as soon as he arrived. All he could hear was the loud chatter about the ball made by the Queens and he hated it. He felt a hand on his back, knew who it belonged to and sighed again.
"I'll guess you've heard about it all morning?" The only answer he got was another sigh which made the shorter chuckle. (M/n) glared at him when he heard it.

"Stop glaring at me. Not my fault the Queens decided to ruin your life by throwing a ball."

"I know, I'm just annoyed. Why it is so important anyway ?" He whines.

"Maybe because if the Prince find his soulmate he'll become King ? Oh well it's not like you care about it, right ?" the white haired male smiled because he knew (M/n) didn't care about the Royal family at all, if anything it annoyed the (h/c) male. Ayumu knew how grumpy (M/n) could be whenever he heard about the Royal family so he always brought some of the youngest's favorite food to cheer him up.

(M/n) gratefully took the food from the older and smiled. His day couldn't get any worse, at least he thought but the weather decided to be a pain in the neck which made the male whine again. The (h/c) male knew he had to go home early if he wanted to avoid the bad weather but he couldn't afford to skip a class because of it.
"Anything on your mind ?" the voice of his friend made him jump, thoughts forgotten for a second.
"Weather's going to be bad later but I still have classes..." he heard the familiar hum his friend made when he was thinking.
"Can't help you for that. Maybe ask Yuu later, maybe he can take notes for you ?"
"I'll ask him then." Just as he said that, the bell rang. He patted the white haired male's head and ran to his class.

(M/n) thought the chatter about the ball would die down as the hours passed by but he was wrong, very wrong. The chatter became worse, so did the weather. He thought about using his power to change it but he felt too tired to even bother trying. What made the day even worse was that he knew his uncle wouldn't be home and that none of his friends could have him sleepover because of various reasons, he'll have to be all alone until tomorrow.

Lost in thought (M/n) did not realize his friend, Yuuna, was trying to get his attention by waving a hand in front of his face. The voice of his black haired friend snapped him out of it. "Mom said you had something to ask me." He said.
"Eh ? Ah, right. Mind taking notes for me in the next class ?"
"Sure." Yuuna shrugged. "Give me cuddles and I'll do it." (M/n) sighed, Yuuna knew it was their free period so he often asked for hugs and cuddles whenever he wanted. "Only for ten minutes then..." Yuuna threw himself at the taller and got his much deserved cuddles. When the time was up, Yuuna pouted but bid goodbye to the (h/c) male and wished him a safe trip home.

As soon as he left the school, (M/n) ran to his house before the sky could even turn dark. He didn't stop until he arrived home, even if his lungs asked for air, he wanted to be home before the first raindrop could even fall. The reason why he did this was that the road could get awfully slippery whenever it rained. Once he arrived he took his shoes off, leaving them in the doorway, threw his jacket and bag on the floor and dropped himself on the couch. He felt tired because of the whole 'ball for the soulmate of the prince' situation, little did he know, the day after was going to be even worse.

- - -

Hi, hello, heya.
Hope it wasn't boring because it definitely wasn't what I wanted to do.
I had an idea but forgot it and never got it back so take this instead...

Lil note : "Mom" is Ayumu, it's one of his nicknames.

Anyway I hope you liked whatever this was.
I'll update every Thursday because they are my free day, don't wait for it too much because I'll update at random times during the day because I'm bad at keeping a schedule...
Sorry for the lil rant, see y'all. 💫

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