💀 28}

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As soon as he heard the yell, Yuuna knew. He could recognize her voice, even after years, it still sent shivers down his spine.
When the Hunters took them to the house, he still recognized it. Memories, bad ones, came back as soon as they entered. The pain of them came back as well, the pain of being away from Katsuro came and made it worse.

Yuuna did try to struggle, he never wanted to see her again, especially not now. Yuuna was finally happy, he had two amazing friends and he had Katsuro, he was happy with that. Yet she came back and ruined everything.
Something wasn't right. The other woman, he never saw her before. She seemed forced to be there and Yuuna thought she was a victim as well.

The black haired woman, how he hated her, came back with her usual cruel smirk painted on her lips. A seringue in hand, full of dead man's blood. It wasn't the first time she did this. The woman - his mother if he could even call her that - knew how he would react. She did hear the sharp cry before, not from her son, but she heard it.

Hunters were a thing, they were cruel but she was worse. Hunters feared her, she was ruthless in her tortures. Now, she was going to do that to her own son, or who she called son before the bite. The woman thought the dead man blood would cure the ones who were turned but instead, it made them weak. The vampires would die if given a bigger dose. She enjoyed torture them, now her son was there with his Soulmate, she was going to make them suffer like she suffered.

Yuuna sat there, the sick blood burning in his veins, quietly suffering even after he heard Katsuro's snarl. He knew what she wanted after all, he wasn't going to give her the satisfaction. The feeling of dry veins burning faded after a while, it felt like a soft buzz under the skin, uncomfortable but it didn't hurt anymore.
He didn't know how long it lasted before he felt another burst of the burning feeling, it stopped again and started again and again. It didn't stop. It kept fading and coming back, stronger than ever. He pull kept telling him to go to Katsuro, he wanted to but couldn't.

Yuuna thought they were there for quite a long time because he felt a sudden thirst, a sudden craving for blood, any blood. Maybe that was what she wanted, make them so thirsty they would go on a rampage. It was stupid of her, really stupid, he thought.
As a Vampire, only their Soulmate's blood was going to help with their thirst. If she thought they were going to suck each other dry because of it, she was wrong. It said a Soulmate's blood will soothe any ache, no matter how big or hurtful the ache or thirst was, only a sip and it would dissappear.

Sometimes his mother would come back, give another dose of dead man blood and walk away again.
After a while, he still didn't know how long it had been, the other woman came. Carefully slipping into the room, slowly walking to Yuuna with a key in hand. She looked tired, sick, determined. When she unlocked everything, Yuuna went to walk away but she stopped him. She smiled, telling him his mother became like that for a reason. He frowned as he eyes her left ring finger, now he understood why she was there in the first place.

They sat there, softly talking. The woman was a friend of his other mother. Her mariage with his mother was something she was asked to do, she was asked to protect Yuuna if she met him, which was now. It was her promise to her dying friend and she wasn't one to break promises. She did apologize for realizing a bit late, wished him happiness and told him the other, his Soulmate, was already free.
She accompanied him to the back door, Katsuro already waited for him. They heard loud noises from the other side of the house. They realized what the woman in front of them did. She only smiled. Sent them back home, smile still there, wishes of happiness were given again.

"Stay safe, be happy." She said.
"It was her last wish, please honor it."

They both nodded, thank her and left. They were still weak because of all the dead man blood they were given but they were grateful.
Later they did take blood from the other before meeting Katsuro's parents, after all they were worried.
It took a few weeks for them to feel alright again but they were happy to be together.

- - -
Hi, hello, heya.

I feel like this chapter is messy...
Oh well, we're getting closer to the end everyone !

I am already planning a new story and a one-shot book, I hope to see y'all there as well.

Anyway hope you liked it and see y'all Monday 🐍

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