💀 22}

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Yuuna had been terrified of meeting Katsuro's parents but turned out, everything went well. He didn't particularly mind the warning they got as Hunters were always looking for Vampires, maybe he should have. Surely he didn't forget his own parents. He did forget they weren't dead because to Yuuna, they were. He always avoided that subject, the only one who knew about them was locked away from him and Yuuna definitely didn't want someone else to know. He knew one day he'll have to talk to Katsuro about it but he didn't feel ready to spill everything that had happened. Surely Katsuro would give him time, after all he had a lovely family while Yuuna had nothing. Well Yuuna did have Ayumu as far as he could remember but a 'mom' friend definitely didn't replace a real mother. Both of them knew what it was to have parents missing from their life, Katsuro didn't.

Ever since Yuuna was introduced to Katsuro's fathers, he went there whenever he could and knew they were available. Of course, he clung to Katsuro at school, he did miss his friends but when he was with Katsuro everything seemed less important. Yuuna often felt watched whenever both Katsuro and he were out of school, at first he thought it was Katsuro watching him but then it wouldn't make him feel like he had to run away from the gaze. He mentioned it once to which the tall vampire confirmed they were indeed watched. None of them liked the idea of it especially after Kenji's warning. They didn't know if it truly was Hunters watching them so they turned to the only person who knew Hunters.

Ikaku sat there, eyes wide when they told him. When they asked if he knew anything about it, he nodded. "I heard my parents mention that. They said the Hunters were watching Vampires that were from my school, I didn't know it was you though." He couldn't tell them anything else as it was the only information he had but he did warn them to watch their back as they never knew when Hunters were going to strike.

After they got Ikaku's warning, they made sure they were never alone. Preferably with a Human beside them or a Vampire, child of a Human Hunter. When they were asked about it they only told that there was Hunters close to their area, which seemed to make others freak out at the mention of Hunters. They were often looking behind them and sure enough, they were followed by Hunters who seemed to wait for them to separate somehow. Katsuro grabbed Yuuna's arm and ran to the safety of Katsuro's house. As long as a Human was there the Hunters couldn't harm them. Because of this Mykel started to come home earlier and wait for them, not that he minded since it was for their safety. He often offered to pick them up but they refused to involve him any further.

Yuuna often wondered why the school didn't do anything about it. Katsuro told him the Human, who he knew was Ayumu's soulmate, said that the school knew that Hunters only targeted specific vampires and be in their way would make them allies to said vampires. Which meant they would also become victims even if they weren't Vampires which also was why Katsuro refused to involve his father more than he already was. They didn't know what to do at this point, people avoided them whenever they caught sight of the Hunters following them. They didn't care they were teenagers, they were Vampires and that itself was already their fault. Katsuro was born Vampire so he didn't see how he was at fault but it was another story for Yuuna and he knew it. Not that he knew what really happened to his soulmate. Yuuna always refused to tell how he became Vampire.

They noticed a little bit late that Hunters became closer and closer to them, it felt like weeks since they started to be followed but it was only three days. Hunters worked fast apparently, especially when there was a large reward at the end of the hunt waiting for them. Neither Yuuna nor Katsuro had the time to react before they were grabbed, their hands tied behind their backs, the Hunters holding them an arm around their throat and pressed against their backs so they couldn't move. They did struggle at first but seeing how it lead them nowhere and how it tired them out, they slowly stopped which made the Hunters smirk in victory and satisfaction. Vampires submitting were rare after all, especially to Humans. They were brought to their knees, the Hunters now holding their heads down, another holding their shoulders. It made them have a full view of their necks. They knew one of the Hunters had an axe, and they knew by their position what was going to happen. It send them into a panic but the Hunters held them firmly in place. The Hunter slowly approached Yuuna, axe in hand, and when he was close enough lifted it.

The axe came down soon after.

- - -
Hi, hello, heya.

And there we go again with the angst because yay for angst.
Joking. Not really.

I had no idea how to write this so hopefully you liked it.

Lil note before ending : y'all insane. When I started this I didn't think so many people would read this... So thank you all for this.
Also I realized that I made a lot of typos in my previous chapters so I'll probably edit everything one day.

Anyway hope you liked it and see y'all Thursday 🐍

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