💀 16}

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Yuuna was lost. Completely lost. It had only been two days since Code red yet it already felt like an eternity. (M/n) had gone who knows where after he last spoke with the Prince and Yuuna haven't see him since then.
When he looked for Katsuro for comfort, he was nowhere to be found. He felt lonely and lost at that moment, but then he heard some people talking quietly about seeing the Prince. If he believed them then the Prince was not feeling well and could be in need of help, if it was the case he knew (M/n) would take care of it.

Since he knew there was a high chance of (M/n) being with his soulmate, for once, he started to look for Katsuro again. Yuuna finally found him with Yamiko and Ikaku, being a curious vampire, he approached quietly and remained hidden. Of course Ayumu had told them but hearing from them directly was something else. He did blame them but he probably would have reacted the same way if he had nice parents.

In the end he waited for Katsuro, he still needed his comfort after all. Yuuna was definitely going to find (M/n) afterwards, he thought he'd go crazy without a bit of comfort. When Katsuro finally stepped back into the Vampire side, Yuuna clung to him. It may not have been the most intimate place to get his comfort but he couldn't help it. Yuuna stood on his tiptoes and kissed Katsuro. He didn't really know how long it lasted but he felt good, relaxed, happy. When they separated, both of them were red but smiling. In a way both needed comfort and they both got it.

Yunna almost wanted to drag Katsuro with him to find (M/n) but he told him he needed a bit of time to think about what the Genkishi girl told him. The short vampire understood, it took them a while to accept it too, so he let his soulmate go to think. From then on, his mission started. He occasionally asked some others if they saw him or the Prince, almost none of them had seen them which made him worry. His worry worsen when he smelled (M/n)'s blood but it also gave him a way to go. He followed the smell, seeing more blood on the floor but by the small amount he knew his friend was somewhat okay, he didn't know how long he walked and followed the trail but he soon saw the back of his friend. He almost called him out, almost, but he saw he had the Prince in his arms. "(M/n) ?" he called out in a soft voice as not to startle his friend. The boy turned, tears in his eyes, looking lost.
"What happened ?"

"He probably thought I rejected him..." (M/n) replied, his voice small, head bowed down. Yuuna carefully steeped closer to them, he knew when Soulmates were down they could be a bit aggressive if someone disturb them. He couldn't do much but call Katsuro for help, they needed to bring the Prince to the nurse's office and hope she can do something, otherwise they would have to go to the hospital.

If nothing works then it was already too late.

- - -

Hi, hello, heya.

Bleh short chapter. I'm sorry it's short but I promise it'll be back to normal Thursday!

We're going closer and closer to the end~
I'm already planning a new story along with updates for A Devil's Omega so you always have something to read ❤️

Hope you liked this short chapter and see y'all Thursday 🐍

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