⚰️ 27}

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Both had felt dread crawling on their skin at the sound of the axe being lowered. All sounds were dulled when Yuuna's terrified gaze fell on Katsuro, he probably had the same expression on his face, they did think it was the end, their end. Yet a yell made the axe stop mid-air, the Hunters turning to face whoever yelled, the two felt a small relief at that. A small, incredibly small relief it was. Katsuro didn't know who were the people but by how frightened Yuuna looked, he knew it wasn't good, it could even be worse than Hunters.

And it was. The Hunters didn't release them but they did pulled them onto their feet, made sure they could stand properly and pushed them towards the couple. Katsuro did think they were one anyway, they could be married for all he knew, which was very little. He never saw those two. Yuuna looked like he did though.

The first thing they did surprised the grey eyed vampire. One of the women grabbed Yuuna's bicep and ripped the cloth showing their soulmark. He barely heard the other woman do the same to him but the wicked laugh she let out froze his blood. Hunters knew if Soulmates were officially together, separating them was one of the worst torture they could inflict.

The women gestured to the Hunters to bring the two Vampires to their home, the Hunters were still grumbling. Hunters took pride in killing Vampires, bringing a limb was like a prize, a proof of their success. Yet the contract they made with the women clearly stated they had to stay in one piece, they did think they could kill before the women heard about it. Unfortunately they didn't have that luck.

As soon as they arrived, Katsuro and Yuuna were put in different room. Far away to start feeling the pull to get close of their soulmate but close enough to hear whatever will happen in said room. The same woman who ripped Katsuro's shirt came in the room he was put in, he could only guess the cruel woman was with Yuuna. See, the woman who was with Katsuro looked sad, apologetic even. Her hands were a bit shaky when she locked a collar around Katsuro's neck, she did whisper a soft 'sorry' when she saw the metal dig into his skin. She obviously didn't want to be there. Katsuro couldn't tell why she was here, something told him the other woman forced her or blackmailed the soft woman.

A sharp cry was heard making both the woman and Katsuro flinch. The vampire started to snarl loudly, ears hurting, head hurting, a sharp pain formed in his bicep. The pain wasn't his. The teary eyes of the woman did make him stop snarling, he probably scared the woman further. Not that it was his priority nor did he care about it. The other woman seemed to know what she did, separate them and inflicting pain so both of them could feel it. He didn't know how she knew but it definitely was something he was going to make her pay for, if they ever escaped that is.

He did notice that the woman had left the room at some point, he didn't even hear the door, he could only focus on the pain and the cries. Somehow he knew what the cruel woman was trying to do.

When the door opened he expected the crying woman to be back, he was wrong. All he saw was the cruel and wicked smile on the woman, her attitude screamed promises of endless pain. In her hand she held a seringue, a dark red almost black blood was in it.

If Katsuro felt dread earlier, it came back full force and stronger than ever. That was no ordinary blood, not a blood that could heal them, it was a blood which could kill them if they had too much of it. Now he understood how doomed they were. He heard the cruel woman snort when he started to glare at her. She inserted the seringue, her wicked smile widened as she slowly let the dark blood in Katsuro.

He didn't feel much different at the beginning, soon after it felt like someone had set a fire in his veins which seemed to become dry, the pain in his head becoming stronger. He didn't give the woman the satisfaction of witnessing his pain yet he let out a loud snarl when she started to get closer again. It was so loud she backed away, a smirk on her face.

"Just you wait vampire, it'll become worse."

- - -
Hi, hello, heya.

Ah yes angst, my favorite.
I'm having fun yet I feel so bad...

Oh well, it's almost over ~

Anyway I hope you liked it and see y'all Thursday 🐍

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