🎃 Halloween Special 🎃

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It has nothing to do with the main story line, each couple is in a relationship and it's what they do on Halloween.


If they were asked what they would do on Halloween, all of them would do something different. Seika would be spending time with his mothers, (M/n) would do a movie marathon with lots of snacks, Katsuro would go around and check people's costumes to give ideas to his human father who loves to sew, Yuuna would go out and actually celebrate Halloween, Ikaku would be reading in bed and Ayumu would be baking Halloween themed cakes but eat them himself.

This year was different for everyone. Since they all got into a relationship, they thought of doing something with their loved one. They made plans but someone did not agree with the six of them not spending Halloween together.


It was still early when (M/n) woke up, his head laying on Seika's arm, arms around his waist, legs tangled together. That's how he liked his mornings, more like early afternoon, but today he was brutally woken up by the bell ringing in one loud continuous sound and banging on his door. Seika also woke up because of the bell, which made him jump pretty badly and got (M/n) to laugh at him, before both of them threw clothes on. None of them properly said 'Good morning' since they just wanted the sound gone. When they opened the door both of them were surprised to see Yuuna standing there, a bright smile on his face as he said 'Trick or Treat?'. (M/n) thought it was too early to deal with that and slammed the door shut, earning a laugh from his lover when they heard Yuuna's whine.

They let him in, followed by Katsuro who apologized for his lover's behavior and told them he also got dragged out of bed for this. They changed into simple and casual outfits which made Yuuna pout. "It's okay, I'll have you change again later !" They quickly grabbed their phones, keys and wallets before Yuuna pushed them out. Both of them looked at Katsuro for answers, the tall vampire just sighed loudly. "We're going to get the two others." Both (M/n) and Katsuro looked so done with Yuuna and they didn't do much, yet.

Yuuna did drag Katsuro out of bed by pulling on the blanket. Usually the couple would be cuddling and giving each other kisses until the other fell back to sleep if it was too early but today the smaller had other plans. The black haired vampire asked his lover's human father for costumes in advance and had planned to drag everyone out for the night. It was because of this kind of behavior that Katsuro wondered how they ended up together. Their next step was dragging the two others out.

Usually Ayumu would be the first to wake up but the last to get out of bed since he got cold easily. Ikaku would wait, just giving a hug to his lover, kissing him sweetly and going in the kitchen with the promise of a hot chocolate waiting for him if he gets out. It worked pretty well, the small vampire could never resist the promise of a hot chocolate. But today, like every year, the vampire was up early. He was the one who kissed his lover and have the promise of cakes waiting for him when he got up. The kitchen was forbidden for everyone this day, no one allowed in until he was done with his cakes. He was done with his latest cake when the bell rang, hurting his sensitive ear.

The four got startled when the door opened abruptly. The white haired vampire glaring at them for interrupting his baking time and hurting his ear. Yuuna acted like he did for (M/n), asking 'Trick or Treat' with a smile on his face, not even bothered by the glare. The older almost slammed the door shut but he saw how the three just looked tired and just so done with Yuuna's behavior. He let them in, reluctance written on his face. He quickly went to his room to wake up his lover after he warned them not to go in the kitchen.

Yuuna being Yuuna almost went to the kitchen, if it wasn't for Katsuro holding him seated he would have gone into the kitchen and done whatever disaster he had planned. The couple came pretty fast, dressed simply and casually to which also made Yuuna whine. "Now, let's go back home !"

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