🎄 Christmas Special 🎄

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It was the first Christmas they would spend as a couple so they decided to celebrate it by themselves, no offence was taken by the Queens who said they had done the same when they were younger.

The couple ended up staying at (M/n)'s house a week before Christmas so they could decorate like they wanted. They had wanted a tall tree to mark their first Christmas together but turned out a small tree had stolen their hearts. It found it's place near the fireplace, in a corner to avoid being in anyone's way and, standing proud and well decorated in white and red. Seika noticed they had put an awful lot of red in their decorations which had them laughing because some people claimed that Vampires had the tendency to put more red in everything, which was true.

Everything went well, they didn't have to argue about decorations and the food they were going to make on Christmas Eve but then came the problem of Christmas shopping. They couldn't go together since they were going to buy the other's gift at that time. (M/n) was the first to go along with his friends, who did help him choosing what he thought was the perfect gift for Seika. The latter went the day after, it took almost the whole day of roaming around to find something which had left him a bit sulky.

With their gifts bought and the promise of amazing food, they only had to wait. The days somewhat went by faster than they expected them to. Both Seika and (M/n) found themselves getting nervous, stealing glances over their shoulders to make sure the other wouldn't see what they were doing, they were ridiculous they thought. They were only making sure the other didn't see the gift.

Christmas Eve rolled in, Seika was out again because they had forgotten some items for their diner and (M/n) found himself bored. He did promise to bake for Christmas so he spent his time in the kitchen, he didn't look at the time but found himself quite tired when he was done. He was taken aback when he saw he had spent four hours straight baking, no wonder his lower back was killing him, not that he had any other reasons for his lower back to hurt except -
He quickly shook the idea away, his cheeks burning as he remembered their first time. (M/n) had to push the memories away from his mind, Seika was definitely going to ask questions if he sees (M/n)'s blush. Once he was calm again, thoughts forgotten, he started to clean up and hoped he would be done before Seika got home. Which he successfully did. Seika arrived a few minutes after.

Seika did ask about all the cookies and the unfortunate missing ones. They spent their evening in their bed, cuddling and sharing kisses. When sleep caught up with them they only had one thought in their mind, they hoped the other would like the gift.
When morning came, none of them wanted to get up, after all being in the arms of your lover is the best feeling.
It took them quite a while to get up but eventually they did, (M/n) being the first up. He had waited for his lover to go take a shower to sneak his gift under the tree, Seika had done the same when it was (M/n)'s turn to go.

It was around lunch time when they finally decided to open the gifts. Seika had gestured for (M/n) to begin, a small smirk on his face. The (h/c) male had mentioned an old book he read when he was little but couldn't find it anywhere nowadays, Seika had made it his mission to find it and he did. He watched as the (e/c) orbs stared at the book, he could almost hear his lover wonder if he was dreaming. (M/n) found himself tear up as he gently ran his fingers on the worn-out cover of the book, nostalgia did hit him pretty hard but he was happy, he did wonder where Seika found it. The blue haired vampire wore a triumphant grin when his lover looked up with a smile, hours of wandering around did pay off. When he asked how Seika knew, he only got a "You mentioned it once or twice."

(M/n) had to wipe the endless tears, who knew why they kept falling, before he gestured for Seika to open his. See (M/n) wasn't really the type who bought gift but he made an exception this time, after all he couldn't create everything even if he tried. The blue haired vampire didn't want anything specific so (M/n) went ahead and asked his friends for advice who were helpful as always. Recently the prince had been targeted by nightmares and couldn't be soothed no matter what (M/n) did. Seika was surprised, he didn't expect a dreamcatcher of all things. He felt guilty, he did worry his lover because of memories of the past. The dreamcatcher was beautiful, blue and white threads tangled together, small and soft feathers and a beautiful partner on it's center. It was thoughtful of his lover, he guessed the colors were chosen innocently but he was wrong. "How I found that ? Well let's say Ayumu and Ikaku helped a lot." The prince sighed of course his best friend had something to do with this. "Do you know why I choose the white and blue ?"

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