🌕 30}

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The Vampire knew something was strange. A Hunter never hunts alone, everyone knew this. If anyone saw a Hunter alone it meant that others were hidden or waiting for said Hunter at another location. The proud look on the woman's face truly was disgusting to look at. He didn't know what she was thinking but it must have been something rotten like her. Saying that to her own son, or was it because it was her son that she dared, made him sick.

When he saw his Human move towards the woman and take the wooden stake, he felt betrayed. He almost thought that his Human was as rotten as his family, killers the lot of them. The Vampire barely felt relieved when he saw the small sign for him for run. He felt so sick, nausea climbing it's way to his throat, tears rising and ready to fall. He felt silly. He knew Ikaku, he knew him. Yet he still reacted badly just at the sight of a wooden stake. Ayumu only felt safe when Ikaku had thrown away the wooden stake, so much for trust.

Ayumu almost laughed when they kissed, he knew what was waiting for them out of the forest. He didn't know how many Hunters would be there, he didn't know if he would live before Ikaku could run out of the forest. He still ran for it. He wasn't surprised when he saw them there, standing, stakes in hands. The sight still terrified him. The Vampire didn't turn when he heard footsteps behind him, he knew who it was, after all the scent was a huge giveaway.

Though he didn't expect the arms around his chest, didn't expect the warm chest and the feeling of a beating heart against his back. The Vampire probably did look surprised, truly he was in a daze, there was warm blood so close to him yet he knew he couldn't touch it. Lost in his thoughts he didn't hear what his Human said but he felt the vibrations when he talked.

A laugh almost escaped his throat when he saw the look on the man's face, glorious truly, the face of shock and disgust. Rotten reaction. Like the man himself, rotten. Their blood smelled rotten, poisoning the air, corrupting the pure blood of his Soulmate. Then, rage showed up on the man's face, pure rage. Whatever Ikaku said enraged the man, which was definitely not a good thing. He almost turned to check on the Human, he couldn't, Ikaku's arms held him tightly in place. A small plea to let him deal with the man. A promise of protection.

Ikaku only let himself kiss the top of Ayumu's hair, damn him and his height, before he let go of the Vampire. Short as he was, people thought of him as innocent and weak which was their first mistake. He was more than capable of taking care of himself. He stood, silent, eyes on his Soulmate, ears waiting to pick up footsteps coming from the forest. He just knew the woman would be there shortly.

Meanwhile Ikaku truly did try to reason with his father, not all Vampires were bad, he almost told him about Yamiko. He couldn't, it would mean betrayal to his sister. His father was stubborn, didn't want to hear his son, eyes focused on the Vampire. Ikaku found himself exhausted, arguing with his father was useless. Ayumu smelled the exhaustion in Ikaku's scent turning it sour. Just as he walked closer to his Human, footsteps could be heard, getting closer to the exist of the forest.

There she stood, face red in anger, rotten scent surrounding her. As soon as she caught sight of Ayumu, the pride she felt when she saw the Vampire in her son's arms turned into wrath. "Why is it still alive ?" Her voice was dripping with venom, her finger shaking as she brought everyone's eyes on the white haired vampire. The only noise that followed her words was the sigh coming from her son. "Because, like I said, not all Vampires are bad." None of the Hunters believed him. Their attention still was on the Vampire who seemed uninterested by the Hunters.

He only yawned, flashing his fangs as he did so. "If any of you attack us, we have every right to defend ourselves, no matter how we do so." The Hunters became more furious, how dare a Vampire - a monster - tell them it could use self defense against them. "All of you are monsters."
"Tell this to your daughter then." They froze for a moment, the words slowly sinking into their minds.
"She's not a filthy monster like you !"
"As a matter of fact, nor I nor him are monsters. But you sure are." Yamiko stood proud, a smirk on a face, police by her side. The four Hunters became pale, even attempted to run, once caught they knew it was over for them.

Once the police left, Yamiko checked on her brother. He looked relieved, a small smile, eyes soft, arms around his Soulmate. Yamiko smiled at the scene. She thought the two would finally be able to spend their life in peace, now that their parents were gone. Not that either of the siblings ever thought they would be missing them.

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Hi, hello, heya.

Almost there.


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