🌕 6}

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For Vampires their power was something that helps with their status, for Humans it was another way to make them terrified of them. When Humans found out about the powers, a lot of them became Hunters, others either hid either flew the cities. They didn't even notice that most of the Vampires had powers that were harmless and they were actually helping around the cities to make them better. Humans just labeled Vampires as 'monsters' because they had something they didn't have.

One thing most of people didn't know was that some powers didn't allow the user to use it on themselves. That was something the white haired vampire hated. He always heard people talking about exciting dreams they had or how they were frustrated because they couldn't get the rest of the story in their dreams. Even Yuuna made it his duty to tell everything he saw in each dream Ayumu gave him, sure it made him happy to know the youngest could sleep well thanks to his power but he envied him since all he could see was black.

No dreams, no nightmares, just black. Well it was before. One night there was a shift. A little gold here, a bit of pink there, a small part of green over there. Over the weeks it slowly moved, it made little forms here and there. Over months he could see a person, he always looked forward to night just to see them. Ayumu did know about the Vampires-Humans couples and how they met since his grandpa knew some of them, the small vampire never got tired of hearing their story. He just didn't imagine he would have a human as his soulmate.

When Yuuna went to find him during his lunch time, he did got scared because he knew about how bad his nightmares could be. But when the black haired vampire talked about dreams, he knew it wasn't his and the only explanation were the dreams about his soulmate. He had to take quite a while to make sure the youngest understood what it meant, who he was supposed to find and how to find them. He hoped Yuuna would be able to find them quickly so someone could finally be by his side all the time.

They enjoyed the peaceful silence outside until a laugh disrupted it. They glanced in the direction only to see a female vampire laugh at a human. Ayumu went back to give Yuuna pats on the head, covering his ears while doing so. He didn't want the youngest to hear the conversation, it wasn't polite but they couldn't go back in since the duo were standing in front of the door of the Vampire side.

There was a rumor about the Prince having a human friend but no one knew who it was. But what the small vampire heard from the duo definitely pointed out that the human was the one. What made him uncomfortable was went the vampire said everyone saw where his soulmark was, after all he hid it for a reason. He would have laughed at her for saying that the human and him were Soulmates but knowing that the human's soulmark was at the same place as his and smelling honey, rose and mint coming from the human made it impossible.

When he saw the human run back to the Human side he couldn't help but look at him. There were the hints. Gold, pink, green. Honey, rose, mint. They were definitely the hints he saw. Maybe that Vampire girl wasn't wrong after all. The idea made him smile, his eyes locked with the human as he did so, then he felt it. A soft throb around his neck as they were staring at each other. He almost felt his heart stop in realisation. A human, friend of the Prince's...

Was his Soulmate.

- - -

Hi, hello, heya.

There's nothing much to say today except that bubble tea is my life.

Joking, next chapter we're going back to Seika, I still don't know where this story is going but it's going there alright.

Anyway I hope you liked it, and I'll see you next time which will be a random day update so... Bye 💫

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