🌕 18}

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Darkness was all he could see. Since he got taken away by the guards all he saw was darkness, bit of red were there too but he didn't pay attention to the red. Maybe he should have but he didn't. He almost felt comfort in the darkness, the red was bothering him yet he felt the urge to taint the darkness red. He didn't really know what happened after he was locked up, there was the darkness then the red but nothing else. Sometimes he saw, whatever it was he didn't know how to call them, he just saw bodies dismembered and all bloody yet he felt satisfied by the sight. They always disappeared after a while, he didn't know where they went nor did he care where they went, they always come back and the circle starts again.

Ayumu didn't really know what he was doing, he knew the bloodlust was there but he didn't know how it was satisfied. The more red there was, the more satisfied he felt. He didn't know what he was killing but he knew he was killing, he always felt the warm blood on his hands, arms and feet. He probably was completely soaked in blood each time it happened, he felt horrified with himself, he didn't want to kill yet there he was doing it. Ayumu knew it was the only way to get out but there was the guilt of the kills, even if he didn't know what was killed, he didn't know how this was supposed to keep people sane. Sure it got rid of the bloodlust but the guilt was eating him alive. Maybe the others were stronger or they were able to resist ?

He didn't know, all he wanted was getting out and going back to his soulmate. He knew he couldn't blame his soulmate or his sister because it wasn't them who killed his parents but they knew about it. He felt torn, he knew it wasn't their fault but he still felt like it was somewhat their fault since they belonged to that family. He did feel sane after that long but he wondered how many days passed since he was locked up ? The more he killed, the saner he felt but he also had the urge to see his soulmate which grew each time he killed. Was his human going to accept hip after he knows that he ended up with blood on his hands ? He could only wonder.

Until he felt someone in his memories. The familiar golden hair appeared in his mind, of course he found him in the worse memory he had. Knowing that his soulmate was in that one specific memory horrified him, his soulmate -his human- saw what his parents did to his, that scared him. What if he ended up like them ? Somewhere in his mind Ayumu knew his human wouldn't do that but he still doubt it, he wanted his soulmate to tell him that he would never do that. The vampire felt his human leave the memory but he felt him, he didn't wake up so he followed his human until they were face to face. He probably scared him because of his eyes but he didn't mind much, after all they will disappear once the bloodlust is fully satisfied. Ayumu saw him relax a bit and he frown. "How can you relax in this situation ?"

"I'm just relieved... Everything is a mess since they took you away." Ikaku slowly ran his hand in Ayumu's hair. "Your friends didn't look okay and neither do you."

"You can't imagine how bad it is..." He sighed loudly. "I just want to go back but they won't let me until the bloodlust is gone..."

"I've heard of it thanks to... Tatsuya was it ?" Ayumu almost felt relieved, if he heard of it by a Vampire that meant the Human side knew nothing. None of them wanted to talk anymore so they stayed in their position, relaxing thanks to the presence of their soulmate." Will you wait for me ?"

"Sure will."

That was the last thing they told to the other, they didn't know how long it would take but they knew that seeing each other calmed the bloodlust somehow. It was a matter of time before they could see each other again. Ayumu felt relieved by how fast the bloodlust left after his encounter with Ikaku in his mind, he didn't know if he was okay to leave now but he sure felt he could go back without worrying about it. They kept him a few days after to make sure everything was okay, he knew he had blood on his hands but he was told everything he killed were destined to die painfully, he just ended their suffering, not that made him feel better about it.

All he cared about was going back to his soulmate and friends again.

- - -
Hi, hello, heya.

The angst is slowly leaving but not for long, I'm thinking of having some chapters with full fluff after but I don't know yet.

Anyway hoped you liked it and see y'all Thursday 🐍

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