💀 4}

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Ever since his parents left him Yuuna had a lot of nightmares, which often led to Ayumu coming over at odd hours of the night to give him dreams for the night. He just saw the same thing over and over, he saw himself use his power for the first time and then, the horror on his parents' faces. Yuuna was never able to forget it and in result it just haunted his nights.

As a new Vampire there was a lot of things he didn't know about but as a child without parents he knew even less. So Yuuna, being the youngest and being a little sneaky, often pretend to sleep while (M/n) and Ayumu talk. That's how he got to know about the hate and disinterest (M/n) has for anything related to the Royal family, how the Soulmarks were born and a lot of things like that. But there was something he never got an explanation for, the dreams he had from time to time.

Yuuna made it his mission for the day. It already was lunch time for his class so he made sure (M/n) was okay to eat alone since he sometimes wanted his alone time. Then he went to execute his mission : find Ayumu. He knew his class hasn't ended yet, as his timetable stated, but the Vampire never told them if the class finished early or if the teacher was absent.

As the black hair boy walked through the hallways he heard a small commotion. Yuuna being a curious guy went closer to it, what he found definitely wasn't what he expected. He saw a somewhat tall girl talk with a tall purple haired guy, he couldn't hear what they were saying correctly but he sure did hear the guy told the girl to find herself a girlfriend and that he was waiting for his soulmate. When he saw the girl leave, he thought it was time for him to leave as well.

There was this feeling, like he knew the guy but he couldn't really put his finger on where and how he met him. Too deep in his thoughts Yuuna didn't notice the short vampire behind him until he felt hands reach for his sides which made him screech since his sides were sensitive. All he could hear was laughter, he did recognize the laugh but he was still red because of his screeching, he complained for a good ten minutes about it. "Be glad I was actually looking for you or I would have left !"

"Sure, sure. You would have come back for cuddles anyway, so why were you looking for me today ?"

"Oh right, maybe not in front of people..."

He got a raised eyebrow when he said that but he grabbed the shorter vampire's hand and pulled him somewhere far from Vampire students. "What is this all about Yuu ?"

"I wanted to ask something about the dreams you give me..." He sighed.

"Something tells me it's not really about the one I gave you." He saw Ayumu cross his arms while he spoke.

"What do you mean ?"

"You always rant about how good the dream was whenever I gave you one. Which is definitely not the case so Yuuna tell me what is this really about." The aura around Ayumu wasn't the usual motherly aura but a concerned one.

"I've been having those weird dreams..." Yuuna couldn't really explain what they were, all he remembered was flashes of purple, grey and sometimes dead plants or animals coming back to life. "I get them more frequently lately and I somehow can see a face in the mess..."
A loud giggle came from his friend which made Yuuna frown. What could be so funny?

"Yuuna,Yuu, banana, my tall baby..." He giggled again at the thought. After all, Ayumu did know what those dreams were about, he wasn't born Vampire and ignorant about how Soulmates worked. "Those 'dreams' as you call them, it's something else." He smiled at Yuuna like a mother would look at their children, a proud look that is.

"What you saw is your hints for your Soulmate."

- - -

Hi, hello, heya.
My mind was completely blank for two days so I'm sorry if this is in any way boring.

I have a wonderful friend who bought me something to use for my stress so I'm grateful.

Anyway this is for Pastel_Yaoi_Baby because well, it's her OC but mostly because she's one of the best person I've met here on Wattpad ❤️

As always I hope you liked it, and see y'all next week or maybe before because I kinda want to upload like twice a week. 💫

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