3. Rock and a Hard Place

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"Wh-- Wha-- What are you doing here?" she stuttered, jiggling her leg a little out of nerves, very tempted to shut the door on him.

"Well, I went home and uh... you were gone. I thought by now, you'd have come back and so I talked to a couple friends and they said you were home, with your mom," he grinned.

"And suddenly, it's not far enough from our house... I'm gonna kill Chris and Lori," she stated, knowing those were the friends. "So, why are you here?" she asked, shaking herself.

"I wanted to come home to my wife and kids," he shook his head, ready to smirk but he didn't want to really push his luck.

"Oh, yeah?" she crossed her arms. "I don't believe you," she smiled slyly. "I don't think you should be here, not now at least."

"I was coming anyway, isn't Isaac's birthday around the corner?"

"Yes, it is," she nodded. "All of the sudden you wanna show up? Devyn's birthday is next month, are you sticking around for that?"

"Why wouldn't I?" he shrugged.

"Because for you, if it's not one it's the other, and if it's not the other, it's always just one and you can't do that," she shook her head.

"Look, you may think I'm terrible human being, but I still love my kids and I got them gifts already... I came, planning to stay home and I still plan to and if you will let me, I wanna take you home."

"TeeDee, who is it?" her mother's voice started coming closer. "Oh, Lindsey---" she grinned lightly. "How are you, honey?" she wrapped her arms around him to hug him.

The blonde rolled her eyes, hating that her mother still gave him all the attention in the world when she felt like he didn't deserve it.

"I'm great," he pecked her cheek as he pulled away.

"Are you?" Stevie said annoyed, nearly mocking him.

"Yeah, 'cause, I'm sober," he rose his brows at his wife.

She creased hers in return and let her arms drop to her sides, nearly shocked to hear him utter those words. Then raising her brow, she kind of leaned in the door, trying to contemplate in her mind.

"Where are the kids?" he asked his mother in-law.

"They're eating their dinner," Barbara took his hand to guide him through the foyer and through the main hallway.

"Dad!" they yelled in unison, flying out of their chairs to hug him.

"Hey, kiddos!" he beamed just as much.

Still standing in the doorway, Stevie let out a huff and finally shut the door. She then made her way, following the trail into the kitchen, though taking her time to meet them and she then stood in that door frame, with crossed arms watching them converse happily.

"Mom, did you know he was coming? This is so awesome!" Isaac smiled at her, hugging her as well. "Is that why you kept saying he wasn't coming?"

"Ah, well..." she stopped, her eyes meeting Lindsey's as she swiped her son's honey blond hair.

"I told her to keep it a secret," he pulled his son in again. "She didn't know till today, kiddo... I left her a message at work."

"That was you?" she creased her brows. "I didn't get any of those messages and they were all silent... Is that what you were telling me?" she asked.

"I was boarding when I called, maybe that's why," he shrugged. "I've been needing a new phone anyway," he grinned at his kids.

"This is so great that you're here," Devyn responded with a smile. "I have some friends that are dying to meet you."

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