1. Single Mother

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"Do you have everything you need?" Stevie asked as her children trailed down the stairs, cradling a mug of coffee in her hand.

"Yeah," her two children said in unison.

"Why do you always do that?" her daughter glared at her younger brother.

"What?" he complained, his hands flinging out in question.

Stevie rolled her eyes.

"Every time mom asks us something, you say it at the same time and it is so annoying," she complained.

"You act like she was just asking you," he rolled his eyes and then looked at his mother with pleading eyes.

The blonde ran her fingers through her son's honey blond hair, staying quiet.

"Yeah, but any other time, mom could be talking to me and you still answer," the girl complained.

"That's not true," he shook his head, actually stating calmly because his sister always seemed to be in a mood and he always tried to lay low and stay on his own track.

"Uh, yes it is," she assured.

"Whatever, Devyn," he shook his head, making it over to the table.

"Isaac, you're so--"

"Enough," their mother finally piped in, just exhausted from their constant bickering. "Give it a rest, Devyn---" she stated, just as calm as her son.

"But mom--"

"Ah, ah, ah---" their grandmother chimed in, putting breakfast on the table. "It is not lady like nor nice to talk back... Not to mention it is disrespectful."

"Thank you, mom---" Stevie assured with a gentle nod. "Look, you guys, I'm tired," she shook her head undoubtedly. "This report I've been working in really is kicking my ass and I just cannot deal with the constant arguing. I mean, it's ridiculous," she assured.

"Tell that to her," Isaac mumbled under his breath as he shoveled cereal into his mouth.

"Look, it goes for both of you," the blonde stated. "I just can't handle the fighting---not until this project is done at the very least. Plus I've been taking courses and that is also murderous. I just need you guys to cooperate and behave, and that is with each other as well."

"I understand, mom," the brunette assured, pushing the glasses on her nose upwards. "We know things are hard and we wanna help," she stated softly.

"And I appreciate the effort..." she nodded once. "So, try a little harder for the sake of my sanity before I ground you both for the hell of it."

"TeeDee...?" her mother lingered, her eyes telling her to be patient and not too harsh on them.

"Things would be a lot easier if dad was around," Isaac rolled his eyes, again saying under his breath.

"Yeah," Stevie agreed, rubbing the side of his arm since she was hovering behind him as they consumed their morning meals. "It would be... But it's not reality," she bit her bottom lip a little, feeling bad about sending the truth over to them.

"When is dad coming back anyway?" her son looked up at her.

"I'm not sure, kiddo... But when he does we're divorcing," she sipped her beverage, trying to dodge questions.

Her kids had known things were unwell with their parents, however they still wanted to see him, but he was MIA and not where he needed to be, provided he was alive. A divorce would just legalize the separation they had for the last four years.

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