9. Keeping Faith

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The next day would arrive---just a plain Sunday. This day normally entailed; Stevie making breakfast, chores done early so the rest of the day was free for lounging and just family time because it was really the only relaxing day the three had with Barbara even though they did live together. Since they spent all day Saturday out and about, she would have to make up and run all the necessary errands she had to do before Monday came.

Though when the time came for the blonde to get up, she remained in bed, staring up at the ceiling just thinking back to the night before.

She had never thought Lindsey would be all that jealous about a simple evening out with somebody else. Part of his reaction made her feel good because he still loved her enough to be jealous, but then the other part just made her angry that he couldn't just be happy for her.

Pulling back her comforters, she threw her legs over the edge of the bed, looking down at her white sweatpants and baby blue, long-sleeved shirt to go with it.

She had a multitude of choices for her sleep attire but since Lindsey got there, she was really on edge to wear one of her regular silk nighties that she practically lived in most of the time. It was just easier to slide into at the end of the day and less laundry, but she felt so uncomfortable with her husband that more clothes to cover up were in order until he was gone.

Getting up, she went to the restroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. After, she combed her hair and then put some moisturizer on thus far---leaving it at that because she wasn't even really awake yet. Making her way downstairs, she let off a sigh---a daily thing with the way she worked and went about things, it was just a tired mother sigh, not anything that would mean anger or sadness. Traveling to the kitchen, she started coffee in the pot and she opened the cabinets and fridge to see what kind of breakfast she was going to make, but as soon as she turned with the carton of eggs, she noticed a note on the counter, near the stove.

Whoever reads this first - don't make breakfast, getting food already, should be back soon.

Rolling her eyes, she let off her first huff of the day because he was just everywhere.

She had come downstairs believing he was still asleep and she found it quite peaceful, but it wasn't the case. It was like he was going out of his way to annoy her by being so sweet and she was already over it.

She would then continue with the coffee because she didn't think she could wait any longer and then she would clean the kitchen from the night before since the dishes remained unwashed and cans in the sink.

Any other time, she would have been upset with the small mess, but today, it gave her something to do, so she really couldn't care less.


Lindsey soon returned, a couple plastic bags filled with takeout on one or his wrists. He then went straight to the kitchen, stunned to see that his wife was on a computer, glasses on and a cup of coffee.

"Hey," he spoke up.

"Morning," she barely mumbled as she read through the chart on the paper---starting her next report.

"What are you up to?" he asked, taking in what she was doing as well as pulling the foam to-go boxes from the bags.

"Working... You? I don't remember the last time you woke up early."

"Couldn't sleep. I haven't slept well since I got sober... It's really just a depressed and guilty conscience thing that I have to live with for now," he wasn't afraid to admit. "In a couple months, I'll be feeling healthier and more myself."

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