47. When Time Passes By

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The next several months would roll by; the kids were back in school, Stevie was working like normal and things were moving further with Lindsey.

Within the first month, the kids and her mother had mentioned Ben and they, as she had hoped, asked about their status considering she had not been over in quite a while---she was home all the time again. She then explained that they just weren't working out and it was time for them to move on and the kids were quite grateful considering they wanted their parents to get back together. Then of course, her mother was as supportive and she heard her out, but the blonde spared any details about herself and Lindsey rekindling because that was a whole separate universe at the time.

Stevie and Lindsey had spoken privately of when they were going to tell everybody that they were back together because even if it seemed a little obvious, it really did go over everybody's head and nobody knew. So, by the time they got to the end of Lindsey's year, they discussed that would be when they told the kids since that's what the kids have always known. And lucky for them, it was December, a good Christmas surprise and they planned on telling them Christmas day.

Before they had decided on when they were going to tell the kids, Lindsey still thought it was a good idea to get a condo or an apartment that had a couple rooms so that the kids could spend the night, but so that Stevie could go over and they would have actual alone time. They were growing on their own, as well as learning about each other and they couldn't really do much with each other when they hadn't told anybody they were back together.

Still, Lindsey was iffy on telling his wife about the A.A. meetings he tended to a couple times out of the week because he didn't know how she'd take it since Devyn was still seeing a psychiatrist and he knew she wasn't exactly thrilled about it even if it was her idea.

The problem she had with her seeing a doctor was the simple reason that she didn't feel the need to come to her as much and she worried about her fifteen year old who was a sophomore in high school. She just seemed a little tuned out from her daughter's life unless she really needed her and she didn't know how she really felt about that. She loved the fact that she could see somebody to confide in, but she wished she was one of those people, as a mother.

Since they were in the month of December, Lindsey and Stevie were a real team when it came to decorating and getting presents together for each other and for the kids, though they managed to keep their own gifts away from each other and under each other's noses quite well and they managed to keep their distance in front of everybody.

Phone ringing, Stevie dug through her purse as she was driving. Once she found it, "Hello?"

"Hey, it's me," Lindsey responded. "I have the kids since they were hanging out, but I have a trunk full of stuff that are already wrapped and I'm gonna take all of it to the house."

"Far out. I'm done and I want you to help me pick out a dress for the Christmas party tonight at Andrew's," she added.

"Ah, shit."

"What happened?" she panicked---hoping he'd be able to make it still.

"I left my clothes in the apartment. We'll be over shortly---is there anything you need?"

"Just you."

"Well, I was thinking more material or at the drug store, but I'll be at your place soon."

She chuckled, "Don't be obvious to the kids. Just say bye and hang up. I love you."

"Bye," he hung up as she directed.


When Lindsey made it to his wife's house, the kids were immediately called by their grandmother in the kitchen since she wanted them to help her prepare Christmas dinner that would be for the next day.

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