50. Mended Sorrows

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Time would roll by like nothing once the two were on good terms again; so much so that they were going to renew their vows since they remembered it was their seventeenth wedding anniversary---a day they hadn't celebrated in five years. They weren't doing anything crazy, but they were going to do it privately, just the two of them. Taking a short trip to San Jose, they were going to relish in the time away because though they had moments of alone time, they just hadn't had the time to really enjoy each other's company. Not without distraction at least.

"Y'know, I feel a little guilty that we didn't bring the kids along with us... and that we left those angels with my poor mother."

Laughing lightly, "I think they'll survive. You and I both know firsthand that they behave like angels for your mom. It's us they don't like."

"That's incredibly true," she assured, curling up to him as best as she could.

He decided to fly them out because neither of them were craving a long drive, especially since it would take away from their trip together that would be cut short by her job the coming Monday. Instead, they'd arrive Friday evening, renew their vows on Saturday and then spend their last day together before leaving in the evening.

"I have a few surprises for you... I hope you're ready."

"You make me nervous, have I ever told you that?" she chuckled.

"Whenever I have a surprise. Even when I was drunk all the time, I remember that," he laughed.

"I have very good reason mostly because you spring the most interesting things on me last minute. I'm prepared, right? I brought the right kind of clothing?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I don't plan on throwing you off track and then of course, we can roam through town and you can shop if there's something you want."

"I wanna get the kids some gifts..."

"Sounds good."

"Have you been back at all? To visit your brother?" she asked.

"Not really," he shook his head. "I'm sure I have amends to make with him."

Turning her head, "Why don't we do that?"

"Do what?"

"Head over for you to apologize and such things?"

"I don't know, Stevie... I wanna but this weekend is about us and if things went south with us, I wouldn't want that to be a dark shadow on this uplifting weekend."

"Well, Sunday, we don't have very many plans. Why don't we go there, just apologize and we'll move right along?"

He stayed silent for the moment, trying to think over what she had to say.

"I want you to understand something. This is as a Communication consultant and supervisor at my job, okay? When you apologize to somebody, explaining what you are sorry for---it's going to relieve the burden on your shoulders. You don't have to defend yourself. Don't beat around the bush, get to the point and say what you mean and then you walk away. That's it. You're done and all you do is wait to see if they have the gall to accept your apology. Most people don't forgive because they're stubborn and righteous. I've obviously met your brother and Jeff is very level-headed as you are. Very intelligent, very logical rather than emotional."

"Why do you have to be smart and make sense?" he sighed, knowing he was being shoved into it regardless of what he said.

She laughed. "Will you do it for me? This is our anniversary weekend and it would make me very happy to know that you and your brother were on speaking terms. You guys are all each other got and you shouldn't not speak at all."

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