27. Look at Us

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When the next morning came around, Stevie opened her eyes just to hear the sound of Lindsey taking a shower and she furrowed her brows because she thought it was a little soon for that.

She then rolled over and slung her legs over the edge of the bed so she could make her way and knock on the door. "Lindsey?"

"Yeah?" he semi yelled since the water was coming down loudly.

"Are you alright? Is your wound okay?"

"What?" he yelled since he couldn't really hear her.

"Is your..." she sighed and trailed off. "Fuck it," she then entered and kept her eyes down even though the curtain was up. "Is it okay to wet your wound?"

"Well, I got a plastic baggie and I taped it over the gauze so it wouldn't get wet," he explained. "But I felt nasty," kind of smirking at her whom was not looking up.

"You did smell like hospital..." she pursed her lips to herself. "But oh, my gosh, you are such a guy," she laughed a little at the thought of him taking the time to tape a piece of plastic to himself.

"Hey, it worked, didn't it?" he shut the water off and opened the curtains quickly as he stepped out. "Look."

"Yeah, no, I'm good..." she paused, not knowing what to do thus far. "Alright, I'm gonna leave you," she cupped her hand around her eyes to shield. She then started to venture out and in the process, she walked right into the doorframe. "Ouch... I'm okay," she waved it off and walked around to move right along.

Laughing at how modest she had seemed to become, he pulled the towel off the rail and he dried himself down. He then put his sweatpants and boxers on way below his waist, on his hips to be exact and he stayed shirtless so he could take the the taped sandwich bag off his skin. After drying his hair a bit, he hung his towel up and he started making his way towards the living room. "I was more out of it last night, but thanks for helping get the place together. It looks good."

"You're welcome," she smiled a little, then looking at his quite toned of a body for somebody who had not been working out. "We should change your bandages," she then cleared her throat.

"Okay, will you help me? I don't want to put it on there wrong," as he slowly trailed over to get to the corner of the kitchen in which his normal medications stayed.

"Mhmm," she nodded and she looked back to see him take two capsules from a bottle. "I'm gonna make you a protein smoothie... I've made it in the past for the kids since they didn't like shit when they were little. But it's thick and you'll get full."

"Oh, the banana and peanut butter one? With the protein powder and chocolate whatever you put in?"

"Yeah," she chuckled. "I was gonna do strawberry and banana, but strawberries are acidic and you don't need that right now. Usually I do chocolate milk or something, but I have to use regular 'cause chocolate is acidic too."

"If it's milk you use, just do it like you normally do it. A little chocolate won't kill me," he assured with a slight eye roll as he threw his couple pills back with some water.

"But what if it does?" she had to arch a brow.

"Protective much?"

"Well, I'd like to keep you in one piece while I babysit you. I don't need you getting sick on my watch---Dr. Hayward sees you as precious cargo, y'know?"

"Yeah, right," he smirked. "I think she sees me as obnoxious."

"Oh, most such as me do, however your charm never fails to slip passed you. If you paid attention, you'd see how many women actually look at you and who give me dirty looks because it's as though they can spot your wedding ring or mine from across the street."

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