34. Practice

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Waking up at his side, Stevie kind of smiled but she then moved away slowly because they were pretty laced together and it wasn't intentional. She was trying to just get up to wash up, so that she could wake Isaac and run him to school while the others slept.

Even though it seemed too nice to let Devyn sleep in, she had to also assume she had partaken in the drinking and she knew she'd have a hangover anyway, in which she hoped the girl got enough rest because the wake up call was going to hurt anyway.

After a quick shower, letting her hair dry naturally, she crept back into her room and she sat at the edge of the bed to slip her tennis shoes on.

Lindsey rolled over and he kind of expected to reach out to his wife, but she was gone and for a sudden moment, he thought it was a nightmare and dream coming together. Then he opened his eyes to see her back to him and he was back to reality; the hell their daughter caused early in the morning. "Where're you going?" he asked.

She turned her head, "Just gonna wake Isaac so he can get ready for school. I'm gonna make him some breakfast and drop him, then I'll be back and we can wake our Sleeping Beauty."

He smirked a little and he brought his hands to his face, just to rub his eyes since it was still early and she was up and hopping around already.

Standing tall, "I'll be downstairs and you know where to shower and such things."

"I may get lost," he winked, saying so as a joke since he'd only been at his own place for a little over a month.

"I'm sure you'll find your way," she gently laughed. She then took a look around, doing a three-sixty.

"Your purse is downstairs," he mentioned, knowing that's what she was looking for.

Turning back, she looked at him a little shocked but she then nodded. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it," he waved it off as he slung his legs over the edge of the bed. But when he turned, he realized she was already gone so he arched a brow. "Normally when somebody says don't mention it, don't you mention it?" he mumbled as he stood up, but he immediately felt slight pain where his incision had been. "What the fuck?" he lifted his tee shirt up and he started inspecting the raw scar though he couldn't say there was anything wrong with it, it only felt tender.

He would then go on about getting ready and before going to the bathroom to shower, he peeked into his daughter's room, seeing how sound asleep she was, but he had a lot of mixed feelings toward her and he didn't know which was more important.


During the drive to take her son to school, Stevie would explain some of which his sister did and if he had any idea of her planning on leaving and he honestly replied because he had nothing to hide from his mom.

The truth was, he had an incling his sister would do something, but he had no idea she would do something like that. He was angry at his sister for doing such terrible things, but still hoped that they got her some help because he believed there was something really wrong with her and it couldn't have just been anger of his mother seeing somebody else.

And after dropping him off, she made it straight home and she let off one her natural tired mother sighs as she entered her house, just to see Lindsey downing a glass of water in the kitchen.

"Hey," she set her purse down. "All right?" she asked.

"Fine," he nodded. "Do you have any band-aids?" he started making his way towards the living room to meet her.

"Yeah, I believe so," she pondered of where they could have been. "What happened?"

"Well, I don't mean to alarm you, but my icision scar, it was kind of hurting and itching. Itching, I assume it's because it's healing, but I don't think it's supposed to hurt."

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