30. Coming Back

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Laced within the sheets of the bed, Stevie was still placing kisses upon kisses all over Ben, just trying to keep him in the wild mood she was in.

"So, you never told me what was wrong with you," he mentioned.

The constant touching and clinging wasn't bothering him, but she was doing it enough for him to know that there was something wrong.

She stopped and she looked up at him, "Can't a gal just want to show some affection?" she smiled gently as she laid back into the pillows. She sighed gently right after, both satisfied and dissatisfied with the sex they had.

She was happy since they had gotten right to her needs as she needed him, but she just didn't want it to stop. At the moment, everything just wasn't enough.

"I guess... But you come with a lot of baggage," he smirked. "You have a husband and kids, plus a mother living under your roof. It's normal to feel stressed if that's the case."

She smiled gently, pursing her lips within his words and she turned to her side, clutching to him. "I don't really let that bother me..."

"Okay. So, why don't we talk about it? I mean, you've come over twice today, both for the same thing. Something's gotta be on your mind."

She shrugged, "I don't really want to talk about it right now. I don't, actually at all. I think you should just enjoy yourself, because when the clock strikes, I go back to being my working self with absolutely no time on my hands while also being a mother, daughter and occasional wife."

"Alright... Then we won't talk about it. But I do wish to help you if I can. So, when you wanna talk, just know I'm here to listen."

She blinked for a few seconds and then she leaned in to kiss him again only because telling him was just not an option.

Having taken the advice from both men; she decided to not talk about either man to each man, nor their relationships or where they stood---thanks to Lindsey. But then the other piece of advice in which Ben gave, it was honesty and even though she was being slightly honest with her feelings, she still wasn't saying what it was. Though she was going to continue with both men, no matter how much of toll it would be at the end whether it be her decision to break it off with one or the other, or whom ever got tired of sharing first.

"I appreciate your concern," she kissed his cheek. She then moved the sheets and she trailed across the room to get to her clothing that was on the ground.

"Are you leaving me now?"

"I'll be back..." as she wiggled into her leggings. "I had errands to run, I gotta run them before everything closes. Pick the kids up from their dad's to take them home."

"So, what are you saying, nobody knows you're here?" he sat up, propping himself with his arm.

"I'm sure they know I'm here, but not why..." she lingered, thinking back to her mother knowing and looking at her like she had a real problem. "That doesn't matter however, because this is private..." she pulled her blouse over her head and she sat at the edge of the bed to put her wedges on.

"Well, it doesn't matter then," he came up to her from behind and he kissed her neck.

She let off a little sigh only because so much was burning within her, but she had to get up and go. In order to interrupt him, she stood up and she threw her purse over her arm. "I will be back," she spun around just to lay her own kiss to his lips.

"Do you wanna go out tomorrow or something? Then we can come back here..."

"Nice try, you're not making miss work," she shook her head. "We can have a morning date, or I can just come over like I did this morning..."

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