22. Torment

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"I'm not bothering you, am I?" she had to laugh a little only because she felt slightly embarrassed that she told him she had things to do and then she was calling, asking for company.

"No, I told you I had nothing to do," as he pulled his jacket off. "I'm glad you called."

"I didn't think my Saturday ritual would be yanked from my hands. Since Lindsey's gotten here, he's been of great help, but I'm so used to doing things the way I do them, I feel thrown off my game."

"Totally understand," he laughed.

"I guess it's late enough in the day... Can I offer you anything? Wine, beer... I don't have too much to drink since Lindsey's sober and I don't drink that much."

"Gotcha, but um, a beer sounds pretty good."

"Alright," she went right over to grab a bottle from the fridge.

"So, where is everybody, if you don't mind me asking?"

"No, not at all," as she placed the bottle down on the dining table. "Lindsey took the kids to hang out, my mother is with her friends since she is a chronic gambler," she chuckled. "I called my friends, one's got a screaming four month old and one is getting ready for a trip out east. You were an after thought."

He only chuckled.

"I didn't mean that, the way it sounded," she immediately put her hand up out of defense. "I mean, I didn't want to bother you unless absolutely necessary."

"I get it," he smiled.

"Great," she nodded and kind of tucked her head down for a moment. "I know this is kind of awkward after last night and I didn't mean to do this."

"No, it's alright, really," he laid his hand over hers. "I think it's fine."

She nodded once more, finding comfort of his hand over hers.

"Why don't you give me a tour?" he wondered since awkwardness was easily arising in the silence.

"Alright, follow me," she stood up easily to his offer.

The next hour of their time would contain them talking in detail of the Victorian styled home while she spoke of renovations that needed to be done since it was an old house, which commenced the things he wanted done in his own home. They talked about how they enjoyed before and afters of home renovations and such things. But all that time, it landed them lastly at the pool.

Sitting side by side, both of them had their feet in the pool with their wine and beer and they were just talking as they had often done so.

"I have this thought in mind," Ben mentioned as she took a sip of her beverage. "It's more like a vision, y'know... But ever since I met you-- Well, seen you, I've always had this picture in mind."

"Oh, yeah?" she couldn't help but laugh. "And what's that?" as she smoothed the material of her velvet pants with the palms of her hands, pure nerves hitting her for the first time.

"It's kind of stupid," he chuckled.

"I don't believe anything is stupid unless you downright don't know what the hell you're talking about. That's when you sound like a buffoon especially in the workplace."

He just laughed again only because she cut tension so easily with her light-hearted wits.

"I love visions and dreams and I love their meanings. So, give it your best shot," she leaned a little to the side, wanting to take him in.

"Alright... When I've been in relationships before, I could never really see myself marrying anybody nor having kids. If I did, for some reason I could always see me and that kid by ourselves and I'm not sure why. But when I look at you, the fun times we have spent so far and how you live your life, I could then see marriage and see children."

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