5. Believing

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When the weekend rolled around, Stevie and Lindsey were still as they were when he had gotten there in the middle of the week. But he was doing his best to charm her as well as he could because he was trying to gain some brownie points with her, thus far.

Walking down the stairs in a fluffy robe, enjoying her day off, she had to also roll her eyes at the sight of her husband when she did enter the kitchen.

He smirked, doing his best to keep it to himself.

"Sorry, the presence of you still isn't enthusing me and I need caffeine before I try to chat with you," she kind of put her hand up as she moved to the coffee maker, just to see a fresh and already made pot.

"By all means," he gestured---in his own world of thoughts as he drank from his coffee cup at the small table.

In the kitchen, there was a small table with two chairs across from each other and it came in handy while there was a much larger table that was in the dining room outside the kitchen door.

She pursed her lips a little, taking in the details of his work because she could tell he was trying.

"So, how long are you going to slice and dice me with your eyes?" he had to ask, unable to control his mouth since they were alone and though, he was being extremely patient, he was getting fed up by her.

She turned around and arched her brow at him, "Until I find your presence not annoying," she assured---moving to the fridge for her creamer. "I still don't know why you're here," she shook her head.

"I told you that," he turned his body on the chair, he was sitting on, to face her better. "I'm here for the kids and to make up with you."

"And why do you think that's gonna help any of this?" she set the coffee mug down a little harder than she would have. "You left, Lindsey... Ya left and you didn't come back---so, I left... Why would I stay? Why should I have stayed?" she asked, her own swarming questions getting the best of her.

"Come on, Steph---" he stood up to meet her level. "I'm here because I love you guys and I have a lot to make up for. I thought coming home and being here would prove that I started cleaning up my act."

"I have no doubt that you love your children---I know you... But I don't know that you still really love me and if you do, it's not like you used to. And sure, coming home proved to me that you were sober enough to make it home alive. Though, I am having trouble believing a lot of what you say."

"You don't or you don't want to?" he asked her, his head as clear as ever since he quit drinking.

Furrowing her brows at his statement, "It all feels like some sort of facade. How do I know you won't abandon us again after you leave to finish the second leg, hm?"

"I don't plan to," he shook his head.

"And what happens when those plans change? Nothing stays the same forever and you could be making those plans as somebody is making plans to be with you."

"Why must you get so technical?" he scoffed. "Since I got here, you've been shooting me down with daggers and I get that you're mad---I don't blame you. But at least I'm trying to fix it, unlike other times. Oh, and by the way, your constant questioning of my actions in front of the kids is getting old."

"I'm not trying to fight with you," she finally chimed in after she lost her temper so easily.

In the morning she was definitely not a pleasure to be in the company of and that was simply because she was not awake enough to ever capture the serene vibes that the morning offered her. She knew she wasn't the nicest person in the morning and normally she chose her battles carefully, but today her spouse enraged her quite easily.

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