26. The Winner

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Later that night, Stevie was at her husband's condo to stay and every little while, she would check on him only to see him sound alseep.

In the midst of his sleeping, he would open his eyes every hour or so it seemed and he could hear her shifting about the place since she was unpacking his things to the best of his knowledge and unbeknownst to him she was making dinner and answering emails since she brought her laptop along with her.

When going to pick up her things for the night, she brought along all that she would normally do on just any night and that usually consisted of some type of work or she would watch the news and read new case patterns and leads because it helped inspire the next reports and such things.

By about eight-thirty or so, Lindsey was moving at a snail's pace when traveling through the small hallway to get to wherever his wife was.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" she asked gently as she pulled the headset off her ears and down to around her neck.

He nodded, assuring he was okay since he still felt pretty groggy and more so every time he woke up. The anesthesia had been wearing off more and more though it would be that way for a couple more days, but thus far, he couldn't feel anything quite yet. "I'm hungry," as he opened the fridge, looking for something to drink as well.

"Okay, I got homemade soup in the pot..." she pulled her headset completely off and she shut her laptop, laying her things aside. "Get comfortable on the couch and I'll serve you," she guided him a bit.


"Mhmm." After a few short minutes, she came over to him with his soup, but he was nearly laying along the couch, in an upright position. "Want me to feed you or can you handle it?"

He just opened his mouth in response, since his eyes were shut.

"I thought as much," she smirked and sat on the edge of his couch so she could feed him.

"Thank you for staying with me."

"It's no problem..." she said softly as she stared at his features.

Just staring at him brought her back to easier times in their lives; when music and marriage were their only concerns, when all they truly cared about were each other, when all they did was love each other at any waking moment---before any babies, before his career shot up into the universe, before he left her and their kids to pursue the dreams within his career along with drinking.

Opening his eyes since she waited a moment to give him another spoonful, he smirked at her. "Take a picture, it would last longer," he groggily pulled her from space.

Arching her brows, she had to smile as she continued. "You're quite spoiled, you know that?"

"You spoil me," he mindlessly assured.

"I know, the worst mistake ever... You're like a little kid," she added.

"But how much do you love taking care of me?"

"Very much," she agreed. "I've missed taking care of you because it makes me feel better that you're here in front of me. I know you're not off doing something stupid."

"Did I make things hard when I was gone?"

Pausing, she took a moment to think about how she would say her next words. "Yes... You did and mostly, for me, it was dread of what you might do with me not there."

"I was always better with you by my side. I still am---even now."

"That's sweet," she smiled a little as she prepared another spoonful.

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