6. Discouragement

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Roaming through the streets of a village within Arizona, the sun beat down while also being overthrown by clouds, leaving everything overcasted.

"Don't we have this one, mom?" Isaac asked his mother, holding a record by The Mamas and the Papas.

"Yeah, kiddo, we have it on vinyl, eight track, cassette, CD..." she kind of smirked, wrapping her arms around him from behind to kiss the side of his head. Letting go, she kind of watched Lindsey approach with a small smile as her hands rested on her son's shoulders.

"Brings back memories, right?" Lindsey asked her, retrieving the record from his son, looking at the washed out letters and cover over it.

She nodded her head a little, not much expression marking her face.

"How come?" Isaac looked back at his mom and dad, wanting the history.

"First song we ever sang together," he winked at her.

She pursed her lips a little, trying hard not to blush or smile.

"Ooh, story time," Devyn piped in from the shadows of everything, rubbing her hands together.

"Yet, you don't hear when I ask you to do your chores," Stevie arched a brow at the brunette. "Selective hearing?" she smirked.

"Whatever makes you feel better," she assured, wrapping an arm around her mother's waist to lean into her.

Stevie shook her head, letting her fingers run through her child's thick and straight hair.

"So, what's the story?" Isaac easily backtracked for them to explain.

"Would you like to tell it or should I?" Lindsey asked.

"I'll jump in when you get something wrong," she waved it off for the most part and turned her attention elsewhere so she could see if anything caught her attention.

"Well, your mom and I were at this thing. It was like a youth group type get together that our school had during the week for students to converse and get to know each other," Lindsey began. "My parents forced me to go because I was never very sociable. And-- Did you have to go or did you wanna go?" he looked up at his wife.

"It was a mix," she shrugged. "Robin told me I should go and I had been considering it, but it wasn't like it was prom or anything special and I had gone before."

The kids nodded, pretty avidly involved with their parents' history, looking back to their father to continue.

Despite their differences, both Devyn and Isaac shared one thing; their parents. All they truly wanted to learn was what made things go so wrong that they couldn't have two parents that got along. They both wondered and they were hoping for any information.

"So, there I was playing California Dreamin' on the guitar," he gestured his hands to pretend he was holding a guitar. "I'm playing and I'm singing and all of the sudden, some time into the song, I hear a girl singing with me. I look up and there's your mom," he kind of smiled at her from the distance even though she wasn't paying attention.

"Bold move, mom---" Devyn kind of smirked.

"I had no buffer," the blonde responded, kind of smiling. "I still don't but I have demured in my time."

"Then what happened?" she turned back to her father.

"Well, I was stunned. Girls were never really bold back in those days," he shrugged. "I thought she was really pretty but to stun me even more... She kissed me at the end."

"Mom!" Devyn beamed.

"I did not!" she turned around, furrowing her brows at him---putting her full attention on him. 

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