33. Not Alone

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Walking through the front door, Devyn entered with her parents on her trail and she was totally bummed, of course.

"Get changed and go to bed, we'll talk in the morning because clearly you're not going to make it to school," the blonde said, irritation under her breath.

They were going on four in the morning only because the beetle got impounded due to her not having a license, being underage with the eighteen year old who had alcohol on his breath.

"Sorry to mess up your plans, mom," she snidely replied as she took off to head upstairs.

"Devyn, that's--"

"Just stop," Stevie said softly, bringing a hand up to her head and she sighed only because she didn't know what to think at the moment. She was running on almost no sleep and she had a headache from all the arguing the way the home.

"Sorry," Lindsey mumbled.

Barbara made her way and she stopped when she seen Lindsey and her daughter whispering harshly, but then continued when she realized they probably needed some coffee. "I'm glad to see she's okay," she made her presence known.

"I can't believe she did that," the blonde put her head in her hands.

"What exactly did she do?"

"You tell her, Lindsey, I'll be right back. I gotta change and leave a voicemail at work," she stood up just to get upstairs and see that her daughter didn't try anything else.

Lindsey nodded and just made his way towards the kitchen, following his mother in-law. "So, we found her at the train tracks, closer to the moutains that way," he gestured.

"Oh, my gosh."

"Yeah, anyway. From what she told us; she went to her so-called boyfriend's house and they stayed in the car for most of the night, in front of his house and I guess he was smoking pot, but he also had booze on him. So, as she said, they had the grand idea to go to the train tracks and in a really bad area. It's so deserted, but there were cops there because of speed trap purposes and..." he stopped. "I don't know," he shook his head---craving a drink badly. He didn't want to dwell on the idea that made him uneasy.

"Well, at least you got her home safely," she ensured as she started the coffee maker.

Lindsey sat at the small table in the kitchen and he really had to think. He wanted a drink so that ultimately made him want to call Natasha for some help, just to clear his head because he was almost inept to do it alone and he was very afraid of accidentally picking up a drink; he just couldn't take it mentally or physically.

Stevie soon came down and she had some more comfortable clothes on and she entered the kitchen.

"I don't even know what to do," she immediately brought her hands up to her face. "Mom, what would you or daddy do to me for doing something like that?"

"Well, we'd probably ground you," she shrugged.

"That's the plan. But I mean, how do we stop this from happening again? She's acting out because of me, I know it," she sighed to herself---admitting it aloud.

"I'm gonna talk to her about it tomorrow, Stevie," Lindsey put his hand over hers. "If she's seriously behaving this way because things aren't going her way, we're gonna have to make some heavy decisions. We can even take her to a therapist so she can talk out her issues with a professional."

"I just don't understand why. She told me that you had a girlfriend on purpose, just to get under my skin."

"You have a girlfriend, Lindsey?" Barbara asked.

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